
Rick Wicklin 0
Create a custom PDF and CDF in SAS

In my previous post, I showed how to approximate a cumulative density function (CDF) by evaluating only the probability density function. The technique uses the trapezoidal rule of integration to approximate the CDF from the PDF. For common probability distributions, you can use the CDF function in Base SAS to

Stuart Rose 0
Data governance - the new prodigal child

The old adage is that “Data is the lifeblood of the insurance industry.” However, for many insurance companies, data is like the red-headed stepchild. No one is willing to take care or have responsibility for it. In the past, insurance companies have created data governance programs, but these have often

Andreas Gödde 0
Erkenntnisse vom BITKOM Big Data Summit 2015

Unter dem Motto "Big Data - Einsatzerfahrungen, Entscheidungsprozesse, Effekte" trafen sich gestern 580 Big Data Verantwortliche und Interessierte aus allen Branchen in Hanau, um Erfahrungen auszutauschen und Impulse für Big Data Initiativen in dem eigenen Unternehmen mitzunehmen. Ich möchte meine Erkenntnisse in diesem Blog weitergeben und diese insbesondere bezogen auf

Data Management
Mazhar Leghari 0
Showing the ugly face of bad data: Part 1

Financial institutions are mired with large pools of historic data across multiple line of businesses and systems. However, much of the recent data is being produced externally and is isolated from the decision making and operational banking processes. The limitations of existing banking systems combined with inward-looking and confined data practices

Stefan Hauck 0
Blogparade: SAS sucht den Data Scientist

Die Data Science und die Nachfrage nach entsprechenden Experten hat gewaltig Fahrt aufgenommen. Aber bei näherer Betrachtung zeigt sich, dass es fast ebenso viele unterschiedliche Ausprägungen des Begriffs gibt, wie offene Stellen zu besetzen sind. Das zeigt unter anderem der Persönlichkeitstest, den wir gemeinsam mit einem englischen Psychologenteam entwickelt haben. Wir laden daher

Cindy Puryear 0
SAS author’s tip: A “most common” macro error

This week’s author tip is from Robert Virgile and his book SAS Macro Language Magic: Discovering Advanced Techniques.  Virgile chose this tip because even good programmer’s make errors. We hope you find this tip useful. You can also read an excerpt from Virgile’s book. Even good programmers make errors.  In

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