Ok, so you know how to create multiple sheets in Excel, but can anyone tell me how to control the name of the sheets when they are all created at once? In the ODS destination for Excel, the suboption SHEET_INTERVAL is set to TABLE by default. So what does that
So you think you are smarter than the average forecaster, and can identify a trend in time series data? You now have a chance to put your trend detection skills (aka trendar) to the test, and help the cause of forecasting research in the process. Nikos Kourentzes, Associate Professor at
예술가들은 몇 가지 도구만으로도 멋진 그림을 그릴 수 있습니다. 물론, 물감, 색연필, 목탄 등 선호하는 도구는 저마다 다를 수 있겠지만 말이죠. SAS에서 멋진 그래프를 만드는 방법도 크게 다르지 않은데요, 오늘은 그 방법을 예를 들어 설명해보고자 합니다. SAS에서는 SAS/Graph Proc GMap을 사용하여 멋진 지도를 만들 수가 있습니다. GMap은 SAS가 지도 제작용으로 특별 개발한
Wie versprochen beginnt heute eine kleine Blog-Reihe, in der ich ganz konkret Studiengänge zum Thema Data Science vorstellen möchte. Meine Quellen sind dabei nicht nur die reine Web-Recherche, sondern auch persönliche Gespräche mit Dozenten oder Studenten der jeweiligen Hochschulen. Ich erhebe keinerlei Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, im Gegenteil, jeder Hinweis, Kommentar
As Tax Week arrives, tax agencies may be overlooking fraud happening under their noses – fraud perpetrated by insider threats. While the agencies are focused on the hot fraud topics of the day – identity verification quizzing, protecting PIN files, and cybersecurity – insider threats pose a particularly insidious risk.
A new prospective customer enters their personal information on your web page, and they want to have a sales rep contact them ... but you need to know which sales region they're in, so you can assign them to a sales team. Now, multiply that by thousands of prospective customers!
Dylan Jones says spend time setting a vision of how to transform your data landscape – not debating definitions.
유럽 연합(EU)의 자금세탁방지(AML; Anti-Money Laundering)와 고객 위험 평가에 대한 새로운 컴플라이언스 요구가 거세지고 있습니다. 이에 따라 앞으로 6개월 후 유럽 금융 업계는 큰 도전 과제에 부딪힐 것으로 보이는데요. 바로 유럽 연합의 ‘4차 자금세탁방지 지침(Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive)’ 때문입니다. 해당 지침과 관련된 모든 변경 사항들이 전면 시행되기까지 6개월도 채 남지 않았습니다.
A reader commented on last week's article about constructing symmetric intervals. He wanted to know if I created it in SAS. Yes, the graph, which illustrates the so-called 68-95-99.7 rule for the normal distribution, was created by using several statements in the SGPLOT procedure in Base SAS The SERIES statement
Every day before I even wake up, I have little "SAS robots" that do work for me. These are SAS batch jobs that gather data from external services and build data marts, generate reports, and send e-mail. One of those SAS jobs gathers Google Analytics data about our SAS blogs
You've probably all seen the images of the passenger being forcibly removed from a United Airlines flight, to make room for airline staff flying on standby. The incident caused quite a bit of negative publicity, and quickly wiped out a quarter billion $ of the airline's market value. But did
SAS provides a map for each country, but there are likely other maps you want to use that SAS does not provide. If you have other maps in the Esri shapefile format, you're in luck - you can import those maps and use them! In this blog post I share
I recently asked a SAS user, “Which interface do you use for SAS?” She replied, “Interface? I just install SAS and use it.” “You’re using the SAS windowing environment,” I explained, but she had no idea what I was talking about. This person is an extremely sophisticated SAS user who
Jim Harris discusses how the lines between data management and analytics are fading.
In recent versions of SAS/Graph, we have been shipping new/updated maps of each country, with 2 levels of detail (such as state & county, or province & division). But what if you only want a map showing the higher level of detail? In this blog post I share my third
At SAS Global Forum last week, I saw a poster that used SAS/IML to optimized a quadratic objective function that arises in financial portfolio management (Xia, Eberhardt, and Kastin, 2017). The authors used the Newton-Raphson optimizer (NLPNRA routine) in SAS/IML to optimize a hypothetical portfolio of assets. The Newton-Raphson algorithm
Family-owned and operated for more than 35 years, Twiddy & Company prides itself on exceptional real estate services to homeowners and vacationers in northeast North Carolina and the Outer Banks. Whether a customer is thinking of putting their house up for rent or planning their next vacation, Twiddy makes the
Have you ever seen a map that just didn't look right to you? Perhaps the map area seemed squished or stretched? Perhaps this was because they used a different map projection than you were accustomed to. Or maybe the map coordinates weren't projected at all. In this blog post I
With the advent of things like car GPS & Google Maps, and a steady supply of nice maps from certain news sources (such as the New York Times), people have finally embraced the idea that mapping data can be very useful. And if you are into data visualization, you have
David Loshin explains why MDM is such a valuable tool in helping to detect fraud.
Lenin und ich sitzen im Publikum und applaudieren heftig: Seine Chefin hat ihren Vortrag beendet über „Datenqualität als Erfolgsfaktor im Internet of Things“. „Kein Datenqualitätsprojekt ohne Hilfe von oben“, raunt Lenin mir zu, "Unterstützung vom Boss ist manchmal wichtiger als tolle Software." Ich will beleidigt darauf hinweisen, dass seine Chefin
Many intervals in statistics have the form p ± δ, where p is a point estimate and δ is the radius (or half-width) of the interval. (For example, many two-sided confidence intervals have this form, where δ is proportional to the standard error.) Many years ago I wrote an article
Earth is an explosive world! Data from the Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (GVP) documents Earth's volcanoes and their eruptive history over the past 10,000 years. The GVP database includes the names, locations, types, and features of more than 1,500 volcanoes. Let's look closer into volcanic eruptions across the globe
Thanks to a new open source project from SAS, Python coders can now bring the power of SAS into their Python scripts. The project is SASPy, and it's available on the SAS Software GitHub. It works with SAS 9.4 and higher, and requires Python 3.x. I spoke with Jared Dean
매년 봄, 농구의 본고장 미국은 대학 농구 최대의 토너먼트 ‘미국대학스포츠협회(NCAA)’ 경기로 전역이 들썩입니다. 특히 올해에는 NCAA 남자 농구 토너먼트 2차전이 대중을 사로잡았는데요. 전년도 챔피언인 빌라노바 와일드캐츠가 올해도 결승에 진출할 것이란 전문가 예측을 깨고, 8번 시드를 받은 위스콘신에게 진 것이죠! 또 정규 시즌 동안 SEC(South Eastern Conference)에서 24승 10패를 기록한 사우스
“This conference has been one of my best because I’ve learned about GatherIQ, a social, good cause initiative that’s made me think about the bigger picture, and how I can help people who need help,” said a SAS Global Forum attendee who heard about SAS’ new data-for-good crowdsourcing app at
For those of you who don't have SAS/Graph's Proc GMap, I recently showed how to 'fake' a variety of maps using Proc SGplot polygons. So far I've written blogs on creating: pretty maps, gradient shaded choropleth maps, and maps with markers at zip codes. And now (by special request from
The widespread adoption of the term "analytics" reminds me of the evolution of the term "supply chain management." Initially the term focused on supply chain planning. It involved demand and supply balancing and the heuristics and optimization tools that came out of advanced planning and scheduling. Over time practically everything was included
1901 prognostizierte Gottlieb Daimler: „Die weltweite Nachfrage nach Kraftfahrzeugen wird eine Million nicht überschreiten – allein schon aus Mangel an verfügbaren Chauffeuren." Heute fahren die meisten selber und das selbstfahrende Auto scheint auch greifbar nah. Chauffeure braucht heute kein Mensch mehr. Wie sieht das, bei immer mehr Self-Service-Analytics und Machine
지금 바로 미국 플로리다 주 올랜도에서 열리고 있는 ‘SAS 글로벌 포럼(SAS Global Forum) 2017’을 실시간 생중계를 통해 확인해보세요! 개막 세션 하이라이트부터 개별 포럼의 주요 소식을 모두 확인할 수 있습니다. 올해 SAS 글로벌 포럼은 시작부터 기록적인 참여율로 만원을 이뤘습니다. 짐 굿나잇 CEO는 행사장인 월트 디즈니(Walt Disney) 리조트가 혁신을 기념하기에 더없이 완벽하다고 말했는데요. 그는