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Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Jihye Yoo 0
이젠 야구도 데이터로 배운다! (The Batting Lab)

야구에 데이터를 더한다면 어떤 효과가 일어날까요? 야구 실력도, 데이터 활용 능력도 향상시켜줄 어린이를 위한 데이터 리터러시 프로그램, SAS ‘배팅 랩’을 소개합니다. 전 세계적으로 7,000명 이상의 경영진을 대상으로 진행한 한 설문조사에 따르면 85%가 미래에는 데이터 활용 능력이 오늘날 컴퓨터 사용 능력만큼 더욱 중요해질 것[1]이라고 답했습니다. 반면, 48%의 어린이는 현재 교육 과정이 데이터

Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
ABCs of the #saslife

It’s back to school season, so we thought it’d be a great time to refresh on the basics, like the ABCs. ;) Because at SAS, we believe in providing an exceptional employee experience, all the way from A to Z! Check out the ABCs of the #saslife.    A is for…Art 

Analytics | Cloud | SAS Events
Shadi Shahin 0
Your analytics, your way

Maybe you’re a SAS®9 programmer in the insurance industry who stores her analytics projects in a local desktop folder, or in a Git library. Or maybe you’re a data scientist who specializes in aviation forecasting and loves the no-code environment of SAS® Viya®. Or maybe you’re a Python devotee at

Andrew Pollard 0
The Deliveroo Effect on Insurance

Customer acquisition and retention primarily fall on sales and marketing teams. But every department within an insurance company has a role to play in these activities. Claims handling is a great example. Any insurer's performance at this emotionally charged time is their litmus test. It can determine whether customers renew

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Machine Learning | Risk Management
Yuri Rueda 0
Lavado de dinero, cinco tendencias para combatirlo

Para los defraudadores y blanqueadores de fondos, el lavado de dinero es una mina de oro altamente redituable. Se calcula que entre el 2% y el 5% del producto interno bruto (PIB) global es lavado, lo que representa casi $3,000 millones de dólares (mdd) de fondos ilícitos que se fluyen

Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Learn SAS
Reggie Townsend 0
Next generation of responsible AI innovators tackle real-world challenges with AI4ALL and SAS

As head of the SAS Data Ethics Practice, I spend a lot of time contemplating the social implications of AI. Considering its benefits like augmenting medical decisions and pitfalls, making decisions based on biased data results in dire consequences for patients. Such implications have the potential to impact society in a variety

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Dwijendra Dwivedi 0
7 common pitfalls to avoid when creating business value from AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is causing a digital transformation that is changing businesses’ operations. It is likely to bring a sea change compared to the Industrial Revolution. Many challenges with AI are technical, but most failures occur because of poor strategy and execution. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take

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