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SAS' Mary Carter details challenges and benefits of accelerating the delivery of SAS software.
A SAS programmer wanted to compute the distribution of X-Y, where X and Y are two beta-distributed random variables. Pham-Gia and Turkkan (1993) derive a formula for the PDF of this distribution. Unfortunately, the PDF involves evaluating a two-dimensional generalized hypergeometric function, which is not available in all programming languages.
Como una constante en la industria de manufactura, la innovación ha sido esencial para el desarrollo de productos, la experimentación con prototipos, la materialización de ideas disruptivas, así como la modificación de procesos y la colaboración con un extenso ecosistema. Tradicionalmente, la innovación avanza en dos vertientes. Por un lado,
As the world moves toward a low-carbon future, the power and utilities industry faces significant financial and reputational risks due to the potential stranding of resources and assets. This transition to carbon-free energy sources could render carbon-intensive assets – such as coal- and gas-fired power plants, coal mines and hydrocarbon
Students in the master's program in data science at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) drove real-world results using SAS® Viya® for the labor market analytics company Lightcast. The project gave students practical analytical tools to solve a business challenge – invaluable career preparation. At the same time, Lightcast gained business insights
In applied mathematics, there is a large collection of "special functions." These function appera in certain applications, often as the solution to a differential equation, but also in the definition of probability distributions. For example, I have written about Bessel functions, the complete and incomplete gamma function, and the complete
BayWatch uses AI to help coastguards to analyze, predict and optimize operations to detect false alarms and allocate people, boats and helicopters at times of maritime emergencies. Navigating the seas can be a daunting task. While a trip will likely go smoothly, that is not always the case. Along the
Si bien los datos financieros se han utilizado tradicionalmente para evaluar y comparar el desempeño de las empresas, recientemente se ha sumado un nuevo criterio que va ganando relevancia: la información sobre iniciativas ambientales, sociales y de gobierno (ESG, por sus siglas en inglés), que se está utilizando para evaluar
Which SAS technique should you use? Consider how often the program is to be run, your comfort level and more.
Responsible innovation is critical because technology does not exist in a vacuum. It affects us all in unexpected ways. We know analytics has an undeniable impact on society. For example, analytics can help hospitals manage their inventories for essential items like wheelchairs and bladder scanners, help sports teams curate a
When we hear about supplements like creatine or branch chain amino acids, most of us automatically think of athletes, or body builders, or something similar, but these supplements have many benefits beyond athletic performance.
The metalog family of distributions (Keelin, Decision Analysis, 2016) is a flexible family that can model a wide range of continuous univariate data distributions when the data-generating mechanism is unknown. This article provides an overview of the metalog distributions. A subsequent article shows how to download and use a library
SAS is inclusive as a community, as a company, and as a technology. I'll wear the message loud and proud -- and you can too.
For hospitals, managing inventory is an ongoing logistical challenge. The right equipment in the right spot is essential for safe and efficient hospital operations. That's why hospitals around the world turn to Blyott. Blyott is a plug-and-play machine learning and modular real-time-location-services (RTLS) provider. Their technology tracks the location of
A SAS programmer asked for help to simulate data from a distribution that has certain properties. The distribution must be supported on the interval [a, b] and have a specified mean, μ, where a < μ < b. It turns out that there are infinitely many distributions that satisfy these