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Learn SAS
Julie Platt 0
Working on “stuff that matters”

“It’s not about how much money you make but to work on stuff that matters," according to Tim O’Reilly, founder of O'Reilly Media. At the recent Tools of Change conference, Tim O’Reilly mentioned during his keynote that writers tend to be motivated to work on “stuff that matters.” Through SAS

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Custom Box Plots

A frequent question we get from users is how to create a box plot with custom whiskers lengths.  Some want to plot the 10th and 90th percentile, while other want the 5th and 95th percentiles.  The VBOX statement in the SGPLOT  procedure does not provide for custom whiskers.  Also, unlike GTL,

Data Visualization
Thomas Keil 0
Analytics kann jetzt jeder – live ausprobieren

Analytics klingt nach Mathestudium oder Informatik, zumindest aber etwas, das kompliziert ist, kaum jemand versteht und am Ende doch keiner wirklich braucht. Das war lange eine verbreitete Meinung – außerhalb der SAS-Community versteht sich. Mittlerweile haben auch die großen Marktbeobachter eingesehen, dass normales Business Intelligence zwar eine wichtige Grundlage ist,

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Box with Scatter Overlay

A common request we have been often hearing is for display of the distribution of data as a box plot, along with some detailed information overlaid.  For example, one may have ratings data of all the hospitals in a region by different specialty, and you want to view this distribution

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