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Analytics klingt nach Mathestudium oder Informatik, zumindest aber etwas, das kompliziert ist, kaum jemand versteht und am Ende doch keiner wirklich braucht. Das war lange eine verbreitete Meinung – außerhalb der SAS-Community versteht sich. Mittlerweile haben auch die großen Marktbeobachter eingesehen, dass normales Business Intelligence zwar eine wichtige Grundlage ist,
I've heard many customers ask "Can SAS do/use/handle census block maps?" My answer was "of course!" ... but I never really had any examples to show/prove that. Well, now I do! :) First, you need to locate & download the shape files for the census blocks you're interested in plotting. For
A common request we have been often hearing is for display of the distribution of data as a box plot, along with some detailed information overlaid. For example, one may have ratings data of all the hospitals in a region by different specialty, and you want to view this distribution
In the past five years, value-added models have been increasingly adopted by states to support various teaching effectiveness policies. As educators make the paradigm shift from looking at only achievement data to incorporating growth data, many misconceptions have developed. Compounding this issue is the fact that not all value-added and
My wife rescued a dog a couple of years ago from a rural North Carolina rest stop . We named her "DOTi" in honor of the Department of Transportation. It took a while for us to get into the swing of being responsible owners; sometimes the first to leave for
One of the roles my team enjoys is working with SAS customers on performance issues along with testing SAS software on selected hardware configurations. We also work closely with other groups within SAS who work with SAS partners to test the latest and greatest features. My team then takes what
March is National Nutrition Month! This year's theme, "Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day," encourages personalized healthy eating choices. All of us are different and, therefore, have unique food preferences that have been influenced by friends and family, lifestyle, culture, health status, and ethnic and religious traditions. None of us
This post is another in my series about creating apps with SAS Integration Technologies, a topic that I'm preparing for SAS Global Forum 2013. In this article, I'll describe how to use Windows PowerShell to connect to a remote SAS Workspace, run a SAS program, and retrieve the results. This
Argh! I've just spilled coffee on output that shows the least squares coefficients for a regression model that I was investigating. Now the parameter estimate for the intercept is completely obscured, although I can still see the parameter estimates for the coefficients of the continuous explanatory variable. What can I
In my previous post, I began a discussion of lists by explaining that big problems can be solved by breaking the problem into smaller pieces. The solutions to those smaller problems can then be used in combination to solve other problems. In this post, I will talk about formatting and
Last week there was an interesting question posted to the "Stat-Math Statistics" group on LinkedIn. The original question was a little confusing, so I'll state it in a more general form: A population is normally distributed with a known mean and standard deviation. A sample of size N is drawn
A parametric bar chart in SG Procedure and GTL parlance is a simplified version of the regular bar chart, where the data is assumed to be summarized prior to its usage inside the SG procedures or GTL. So, multiple occurrences of the same category and / or group combination is
Innovative Technologien für Customer Insights Seit Jahren überzeugen Anbieter von Kundenmanagement- und Marketing-Lösungen die Anwender in Unternehmen, Analytics als DAS effektivitätssteigernde Mittel der Kundenansprache einzusetzen. Zu recht: Marketingabteilungen, die analytische und datenbasierte Konzepte und Lösungen anwenden, sind seit Jahren Vorreiter und Maßstab des Erfolges.
Last year I shared this popular tip for counting how many times a web link has been shared on Twitter or Facebook. I use this technique daily to report on the social media "popularity" of our blog articles at SAS. I wanted to add LinkedIn into the mix. Like Twitter
Last time we discussed the fundamentals of SAS data and how we reference that data in SAS Foundation. Now, we will turn our attention to how you access and protect data when you want to expose data through SAS clients versus the traditional LIBNAME method.