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I see the term resilience in a lot of business literature these days. Intuitively, it makes sense. After a pandemic, global supply chain disruptions and resulting economic fragility, executives understandably consider adaptability, durability and how best to operate with a strength of character – all attributes that define resilience. Many
Eventos extremos aumentam o volume de sinistros acionados, mas a velocidade com que essas variáveis estão mudando faz com que elas ainda são sejam capturadas completamente na análise de risco Na contratação de um seguro, seja ele auto, residencial ou de vida, é natural que as seguradoras peçam muitas informações
You can start learning about ModelOps and SAS Model Manager now. Compare the various educational resources provided by SAS according to your learning preference.
In honor of Women's History Month, SAS organized various events to celebrate and empower women. Keep reading to see how we highlighted women's contributions and achievements in various fields. Fair Play discussion Fair Play makes the “invisible care” work historically held by women visible, inspiring a more balanced future for
What do you do when you want that extra dessert or handful of chips, but you’ve reached a point where junk foods are getting in the way of your health goals?
When the SAS statistical graphics (SG) procedures were designed in the early 2000s, a goal was to create a comprehensive Graph Template Language (GTL) and leverage the GTL by using SG procedures that perform common tasks easily without having to write any GTL. This project was hugely successful, and "ODS
For several years Kim Andreaus and I have taught Powerful Tools for Caregivers, an evidence-based program that teaches skills for self-care and stress management. One of the lessons from the class that always resonates with me is the concept of guilt versus regret. Guilt is shame-based and implies there was
La ciencia ficción ha utilizado la premisa de que existen universos paralelos en los que se viven realidades distintas, detonadas por decisiones o eventos excepcionales. En uno de ellos, los personajes estarían experimentando cosas únicas y distintas a las de otra dimensión que corre a la par. Los protagonistas de
Parece una frase hecha solo para animar, pero hablar de que es en los momentos de mayores dificultades cuando más oportunidades aparecen hace parte de algunas de las corrientes económicas más sólidas que podemos manejar. Lo mencionó uno de los economistas más importantes del siglo XX, John Maynard Keynes. En
W marcu tego roku SAS zaprosił przedstawicieli sektora telekomunikacyjnego i bankowego do debaty na temat trendów i doświadczeń związanych z wdrażaniem koncepcji hiperpersonalizacji komunikacji z klientami w ich organizacjach. Na podstawie tej ciekawej dyskusji przygotowałem wybór najważniejszych wniosków, którymi chciałbym się podzielić w tym artykule. Pierwszym zagadnieniem, które chciałem przybliżyć
Retail Media beschreibt eine Plattform, die von einem Einzelhändler oder Hersteller betrieben wird, um ihre eigenen Produkte online zu verkaufen. Darüber hinaus haben jedoch auch Drittanbieter die Möglichkeit über Werbeeinbuchungen ihre Produkte auf dieser Plattform anzubieten. Dies ermöglicht natürlich auf der einen Seite die Vergrößerung des Sortiments und auch der
A previous article discusses how to compute the union, intersection, and other subsets of a pair of sets. In that article, I displayed a simple Venn diagram (reproduced to the right) that illustrates the intersection and difference between two sets. The diagram uses a red disk for one set, a
Día a día, se hace más visible la relevancia de que la economía mundial sea más sustentable en todos sus sectores. Uno de los principales elementos de esta ecuación, es en el sector financiero. Esto es fundamental porque las consecuencias que se generen desde esta industria son altamente significativas e
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can drive environmental innovation (EI) in sustainability and reduction of carbon emissions. However, the use of AI itself also comes with environmental costs. The high computational requirements of AI-based systems lead to significant energy consumption, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. The energy consumption of AI systems can
We demonstrate a few common and essential public health functions using SAS Viya. Our goal is to show the art of the possible within the realm of accessibility.