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La aparición de aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial generativa está transformando la manera en la que millones de personas hacen sus labores, pero también genera desafíos. En industrias críticas como la financiera, la de servicios con telcos a la cabeza o en el gobierno, donde la privacidad de los datos y

I often think of the expression “Bend so you don’t break” when I need to remind myself to be flexible in my mindset. As a yoga enthusiast, it also makes good literal sense to be physically flexible. But what about metabolic flexibility? I think the saying applies here too. Being

In a first course in numerical analysis, students often encounter a simple iterative method for solving a linear system of equations, known as Jacobi's method (or Jacobi's iterative method). Although Jacobi's method is not used much in practice, it is introduced because it is easy to explain, easy to implement,

The realm of augmented reality and mixed reality (AR/MR) is on the brink of a significant evolution, promising to reshape how we engage with technology. Augmented reality involves the overlay of digital information onto the real world, enriching our perception of the environment by adding virtual elements. This technology enhances

Crimes financeiros como fraudes estão aumentando, sobretudo após a digitalização intensificada trazida pela pandemia. Neste cenário, o método mais popular entre os fraudadores é a engenharia social. Esta técnica consiste em criminosos convencerem pessoas a fornecer informações confidenciais, geralmente se passando por alguém ou algo em que a vítima confia.

Cast your vote by Friday, Feb. 2 to determine winners of the 2024 SAS Customer Recognition Awards.

There are two popular ways to express the steepness of a line or ray. The most-often used mathematical definition is from high-school math where the slope is defined as "rise over run." A second way is to report the angle of inclination to the horizontal, as introduced in basic trigonometry.

Have you ever been curious about your monthly water consumption and how it compares to others in your community? Recently, I had this question and decided to get ahold of my family's water usage data for analysis. Harnessing the power of data visualization, I compared my family of four's monthly

Now more than ever, as the lines blur between work and life, employee well-being affects how we thrive in our work and personal lives. At SAS, we believe that prioritizing the well-being of our people is the right thing to do for our employees, and it also makes sense from

Whether for better or for worse, many people agree that generative AI is a game changer that will revolutionize the way we live and work. Optimists believe that generative AI is an opportunity to improve and expand our technological knowledge. At the same time, catastrophists fear that AI in general

I saw a fascinating Reddit thread titled: "What would you do if your son told you he’s dating an AI?" Here's the post verbatim: "My son (20M) just told my wife and I that he’s been in a relationship with a replika for the past few months. He claims that it’s

Learn how to fit a logistic regression and use your model to score new data. In part 4 of this series, we created and saved our modeling data set with all our updates from imputing missing values and assigning rows to training and validation data. Now we will use this

Did you know that 75-90% of visits to a health practitioner are related to stress? We all experience stress and not all stress is bad. Short-term stress helps us be motivated, but when it becomes chronic it can take a toll on our health and our quality of life. In

Composable, packaged, unbundled, traditional, reverse ETL, zero copy – these are just a few of the terms used to describe customer data platforms (CDPs) today. If you find that understanding the CDP marketspace is a bit like trying to discern meaning from a word salad (defined by Merriam-Webster as “a

The cold of winter and holiday gatherings push people indoors, causing a surge in influenza hospitalizations. Years of above-normal temperatures in southern states bring a species of mosquito that carries malaria to the US. Declining childhood immunization rates threaten to allow previously eradicated diseases like measles to become endemic again.