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I’m all for a good 2-for-1 deal, so if there’s a food I can use as a condiment to jazz up eggs, salads, beans, grain bowls, meat, fish and wraps while offering unique health-promoting properties, sign me up! Enter fermented foods — these functional foods that are created through controlled
SAS software supports two kinds of procedures: interactive and non-interactive. Most SAS procedures are non-interactive. They begin with a PROC statement, include one or more additional statements, and end with a RUN statement. When SAS encounters the RUN statement, the procedure executes all statements, then exits. On the other hand,
A lavagem de dinheiro é um problema global, que afeta tanto empresas quanto indivíduos. Apesar da escala associada a este tipo de crime ser algo difícil de calcular, as estimativas do prejuízo causado por estas práticas são expressivas. Segundo números da Organização das Nações Unidas, cerca de 5% do Produto
Governments and public health care services are trying to keep up with a zillion demands, needing to move at warp speed while dealing with some epic worries –like soaring customer service expectations, budgets tighter than skinny jeans, teams stretched thinner than a cartoon plotline, and workers who could really use
At SAS, we foster a spirit of creativity and encourage new and innovative ideas. Our people love asking, “What if?” to find unique solutions to our customers’ toughest problems, and each year, a number of our employees’ inventions are awarded patents by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Thanks
A remarkable result in probability theory is the "three-sigma rule," which is a generic name for theorems that bound the probability that a univariate random variable will appear near the center of its distribution. This article discusses the familiar three-sigma rule for the normal distribution, a less-familiar rule for unimodal
We know that building trust in technology is a big deal. It’s no longer enough for AI to just work – we need to understand how it works, what it is doing and whether it’s performing as expected. That’s where model cards come in. If you remember from our previous
秋の花といえば、「秋桜」という漢字名を持つコスモスが思い浮かぶ。コスモスはピンク、赤、白、黄、オレンジ、さらには複合色といったさまざまな色があり、実にカラフルである。発色やその遺伝的要因について統計的に研究することは面白いかもしれない。品種改良や育種に役立つ情報が得られるはずだ。 コスモスは非常に丈夫で、日当たりと風通しの良い場所であれば、土質をあまり選ばずに育つ。したがって、庭や花壇で栽培され、切り花や生け花などにも利用されてきた。コスモスの花壇のデザインに関する研究も興味深い。色の組み合わせや配置が視覚的、心理的にどう影響するかを統計的に分析すれば、より素敵なレイアウトやデザインが見つかるだろう。 さて、コスモスという名前は、ギリシャ語で「秩序」や「調和」を意味するそう。色の組み合わせがどれだけ秩序を保ち、調和しているかという視点で花壇のレイアウトやデザインを観察するのも、秋を楽しむ一つの方法かもしれない。 秩序や調和という意味に加え、花が星型に開いて輝く様子から、宇宙を意味する「コスモス」という名前が付けられたのかもしれない。 統計学の世界に長年身を置いてきた私にとって、機械学習やAIはまさに新大陸、いや宇宙と言っても過言ではない。ビッグデータとマシンパワーの力によって、統計学に手足が付いた、羽が生えたように進化したと言えると思う。SASでは、機械学習やAIのトレーニングコースが、中級から上級まで、年に数回開催されているので(トレーニングコース詳細とスケジュール | SAS)、ぜひ受講してみてはどうだろうか。 2024年10月初旬 相吉
Model cards have been around for a few years now and while their purpose is clear – to increase machine learning transparency and to create a way to communicate usage, ethics-informed evaluation, and limitations – they're still evolving. Many companies have tried their hand at creating their own version of
Com o volume de dados gerados constantemente por empresas, a implementação de práticas de ética e de projetos de inteligência artificial de forma responsável tem se tornado uma consideração que entra cada vez mais no radar de tomadores de decisão. Neste artigo, falo sobre os desafios e caminhos para organizações
No cabe duda de que la inteligencia artificial se ha vuelto un motor de transformación sin precedentes, también en el sector público. Su habilidad para optimizar procesos, anticipar necesidades y personalizar servicios está transformando la gestión pública. Esto mejora tanto la eficiencia como la toma de decisiones. Gracias a estos
Como a abordagem centralizada está transformando processos de avaliação e decisão nas empresas A importância de ter uma fonte central de informação para gerar insights valiosos dentro de uma organização é bem conhecida por líderes de tecnologia. Mas o que antes era considerado desejável, hoje se tornou essencial. Empresas na
The commercial real estate crisis is looming for insurers and banks. Learn how AI decisioning can help.
In practice, there is no need to remember textbook formulas for the ANOVA test because all modern statistical software will perform the test for you. In SAS, the ANOVA procedure is designed to handle balanced designs (the same number of observations in each group) whereas the GLM procedure can handle
The small and medium-sized business segment is growing – in the US and worldwide – and SAS has the expertise and drive to support them. Nowhere was that more evident than at the SAS headquarters when Susan Duchesneau, Head of North America SMB Practice at SAS, welcomed more than 100