Search Results: manufacturing (372)

Internet of Things | Predictions
Glynn Newby 0
Timeless principles meet emerging trends in manufacturing for 2024

Manufacturing remains a transformative process at its core, converting raw materials into valuable products. While the fundamental essence of manufacturing has endured for centuries, the methods and technologies employed have undergone significant evolution, driven by innovation and the ever-shifting demands of consumers. As we enter 2024, the manufacturing industry is

Artificial Intelligence | SAS Events
Lexi Regalado 0
Transforming manufacturing: The power of smart technologies

Steam engines sparked the first Industrial Revolution, electricity energized the second, and early automation and the assembly line powered the third. Now, the fourth (often called smart manufacturing) is being shaped by artificial intelligence, advanced analytics, the internet and real-time data. Smart technologies are transforming manufacturing. It starts on the

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Jennifer Olson 0
3 ways AI and advanced analytics help manage the energy crisis in manufacturing

The need to use less energy is becoming critical to manufacturers worldwide. The transition to a clean energy economy drives new developments in the energy sector. Manufacturers must find ways to reduce energy use to stave off growing internal production costs and remain competitive. Let’s discuss why the global energy

Analytics | Internet of Things
Léonie Valencia 0
Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0 und Manufacturing

Das Thema Industrie 4.0 oder, wie manche sagen, die vierte industrielle Revolution bringt disruptive, ja revolutionäre Veränderungen mit sich. Verantwortlich für diese neuen Chancen und Herausforderungen ist mit Sicherheit auch das Internet der Dinge, das im Produktionsbereich heutzutage schon nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Ob es nun um die Produktion selbst

Analytics | Internet of Things
Léonie Valencia 0
IoT, Manufacturing und Digitalisierungstrends

Bei einem IoT-Projekt im Bereich Manufacturing geht es in erster Linie darum, die Produktionsumgebung „smart“ zu gestalten. Das bedeutet, die Anlagen müssen mit Sensoren ausgestattet und passende Softwarelösungen implementiert werden, eine IoT-Infrastruktur muss her. Darüber hinaus müssen Wege gefunden werden, um Daten zu sammeln, zu lagern und zu analysieren. In

Artificial Intelligence | Data Management | Machine Learning
Roger Thomas 0
Magic vs monetization: AI tips for manufacturing executives

Remember the military computer Joshua from the 1983 Matthew Broderick movie WarGames? Joshua learned how to “play a game” by competing against other computers, got confused about reality, and nearly started WWIII. As depicted in that movie, Joshua isn’t all that different from Google’s DeepMind, which became a superhuman chess

Analytics | Internet of Things
Kristine Vick 0
Build your analytics advantage in manufacturing

Connect with SAS before and during IndustryWeek Manufacturing & Technology, a three-day event focusing on the key elements of advanced manufacturing: lean and continuous improvement, leadership, technology integration, talent management and best practices to achieve operational excellence. We look forward to seeing you at Industry Week's Manufacturing & Technology Conference

Data Visualization
Leo Sadovy 0
The new map of global manufacturing

any factors go into your strategic global business decisions, from the physical placement of factories and distribution centers, to your choice of suppliers and partners, to your target markets and the business model itself. Businesses have a choice of fundamental global go-to-market investment strategies, from direct foreign investment on the one

Michael Newkirk 0
Is manufacturing dead in America?

I was privileged to attend the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Board of Directors meeting in Washington D.C. recently. Attended by some 300 senior executives of American Manufacturing companies, it was like a who’s-who in brand names anyone would recognize. NAM is a very big influencer of public policy on

Michael Newkirk 0
The day manufacturing died

In 1897 a reporter was sent to determine if Mark Twain might have died since some rumors had been circulating to that effect. This prompted Twain to make his famous statement that “the report of my death was an exaggeration.” In 1907, the New York Times speculated that he had

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