Search Results: Visual Analytics (1745)

Jim Harris 0
Data science and decision science

Data science, as Deepinder Dhingra recently blogged, “is essentially an intersection of math and technology skills.” Individuals with these skills have been labeled data scientists and organizations are competing to hire them. “But what organizations need,” Dhingra explained, “are individuals who, in addition to math and technology, can bring in

Leo Sadovy 0
External data: Radar for your business

How much of your business performance (profit) is driven by external factors versus internal?  A figure of 85% compared to 15% was mentioned at last month’s Manufacturing Analytics Summit, and although I could not find the study mentioned to confirm, it feels about right to me.  Certainly more than half,

Sunny Zhang 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 10

Principle 10: Frequency – The board and senior management (or other recipients as appropriate) should set the frequency of risk management report production and distribution. BCBS 239 “Effective Risk Data Aggregation & Risk Reporting”, released in January of 2013, specifically requires that the bank’s board and senior management should be

Data Visualization
Ian Jones 0
Trade Surveillance: Watching you watching me

“Technological innovation is no longer a choice: it is an imperative.” So said Scott O’Malia, Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, about trade surveillance during his keynote address at the recent SAS-sponsored New Risk in Energy 2014 conference in Houston. He was attempting, as he has before, to spur

Gastbeitrag 0
Gastbeitrag: "Being Data Driven with Hadoop"

We asked Lars George, EMEA Chief Architect at Cloudera, to share his opinion about Hadoop, Big Data and future market trends in Business Analytics. For all those who want to know more about Hadoop we recomment this TDWI whitepaper and how to apply Big Data Analytics.  The last few years

Data Management
Jeff Hasmann 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 9

Principle 9: Risk management reports should communicate information in a clear and concise manner. Reports should be easy to understand yet comprehensive enough to facilitate informed decision-making. Reports should include meaningful information tailored to the needs of the recipients. While the data management and data aggregation principles have been heavily

Guido Oswald 0
Data Day Zürich - wir laden herzlich ein!

Da war doch mal was, Sie erinnern sich, Hoodiejournalismus?! In dieser Diskussion über Digital gegen Print, jung gegen alteingessen, #hoodie vs. #schlipsy, über was ist Premium oder was ist hautnah dabei, über was erscheint modern, zeitgemäß und innovativ oder was bezahlt die Miete am Ende des Monats, ist ein Punkt

Citigroup and AIG talk big data

Jill Dyché, internationally recognized speaker, author and business consultant, spends her days talking to businesses about big data – how they’re using it, challenges, successes, strategies, plans and more. What she’s hearing again and again from IT leaders is that they have to innovate with big data, move quickly and

Leo Sadovy 0
Agility and the Analytic Sandbox

Analytics gives us not just the ability but the imperative to separate our planning activities into two distinct segments – detailed planning that leads to budgets in support of execution, and high-level, analytic-enabled business/scenario planning. My critique of Control Towers in this blog last time led me not only to

Jim Davis 0
New look and new insights at

If you’ve been over to at all in the last week, you’ve probably noticed our relaunched site. The changes are kind of hard to miss. But it’s not just the home page that’s changed. And it’s not just a cosmetic redesign. The whole site has been revamped with a goal toward

Mike Gilliland 0
Guest Blogger: Len Tashman previews Fall 2013 issue of Foresight

  Forecasting Support Systems (FSS) – essentially, decision support systems for forecasters – are being given increasing scrutiny in forecasting circles, including our recent half-dozen articles in Foresight. Additionally this year, there has been a special issue of the International Journal of Forecasting focused on the topic. Keith Ord and

Rick Wicklin 0
Create mosaic plots in SAS by using PROC FREQ

Mosaic plots (Hartigan and Kleiner, 1981; Friendly, 1994, JASA) are used for exploratory data analysis of categorical data. Mosaic plots have been available for decades in SAS products such as JMP, SAS/INSIGHT, and SAS/IML Studio. However, not all SAS customers have access to these specialized products, so I am pleased

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