The Amazon River starts as a small glacial stream, pictured at right, on a mountain called Nevado Mismi in the Peruvian Andes. This, and many other small streams, lead to over 1,000 named tributaries of the largest drainage basin in the world -- and the greatest diversity of life on
Search Results: Visual Analytics (1617)
What insights can be gained from the massive amounts of data that allow us to make decisions that deliver the best results? Data vs. information is an ongoing battle. Many people look for more data to make confident decisions. However, what most people seek is insight. Retailers always have tracked
In this blog post, I put some classic rock song data under the SAS Analytics microscope, to see if I could get a better picture of exactly what is considered 'classic rock' these days... Michael Raithel recently pointed me to an interesting article/study about 'classic rock' music, and invited (or is
SAS is great at helping make important business decisions - how about helping decide where to take your next vacation?... Here's a picture from one of my favorite vacations with my buddy Joe. As you can see, I like "nature vacations." Can you guess where this one was? (leave a comment with
By now you have heard all about the SAS(R) STUDIO software that provides access to the power of SAS analytics in a Web browser. The SAS(R) University Edition is also available free for higher education teaching, learning and research. This software includes ODS Graphics software for creating graphs. You can
Data science, as Deepinder Dhingra recently blogged, “is essentially an intersection of math and technology skills.” Individuals with these skills have been labeled data scientists and organizations are competing to hire them. “But what organizations need,” Dhingra explained, “are individuals who, in addition to math and technology, can bring in
Did you check your email and/or favourite social media site before leaving for work this morning? Did you do it before getting out of bed? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I do it every morning as a little treat while I “wake up” and whether I realize it or not,
How much of your business performance (profit) is driven by external factors versus internal? A figure of 85% compared to 15% was mentioned at last month’s Manufacturing Analytics Summit, and although I could not find the study mentioned to confirm, it feels about right to me. Certainly more than half,
Principle 10: Frequency – The board and senior management (or other recipients as appropriate) should set the frequency of risk management report production and distribution. BCBS 239 “Effective Risk Data Aggregation & Risk Reporting”, released in January of 2013, specifically requires that the bank’s board and senior management should be
“Technological innovation is no longer a choice: it is an imperative.” So said Scott O’Malia, Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, about trade surveillance during his keynote address at the recent SAS-sponsored New Risk in Energy 2014 conference in Houston. He was attempting, as he has before, to spur
We asked Lars George, EMEA Chief Architect at Cloudera, to share his opinion about Hadoop, Big Data and future market trends in Business Analytics. For all those who want to know more about Hadoop we recomment this TDWI whitepaper and how to apply Big Data Analytics. The last few years
Principle 9: Risk management reports should communicate information in a clear and concise manner. Reports should be easy to understand yet comprehensive enough to facilitate informed decision-making. Reports should include meaningful information tailored to the needs of the recipients. While the data management and data aggregation principles have been heavily
Da war doch mal was, Sie erinnern sich, Hoodiejournalismus?! In dieser Diskussion über Digital gegen Print, jung gegen alteingessen, #hoodie vs. #schlipsy, über was ist Premium oder was ist hautnah dabei, über was erscheint modern, zeitgemäß und innovativ oder was bezahlt die Miete am Ende des Monats, ist ein Punkt
It was just a couple of years ago that folks were skeptical about the term "data scientist". It seemed like a simple re-branding of an established job role that carried titles such as "business analyst", "data manager", or "reporting specialist". But today, it seems that the definition of the "Data
Jill Dyché, internationally recognized speaker, author and business consultant, spends her days talking to businesses about big data – how they’re using it, challenges, successes, strategies, plans and more. What she’s hearing again and again from IT leaders is that they have to innovate with big data, move quickly and
In our hyper-connected world, information technology plays a key role in nearly every field and industry. Higher education is no exception, and that’s where EDUCAUSE comes in. This non-profit association works to advance higher education through the use of information technology. One of the primary ways EDUCAUSE achieves its goal
Analytics gives us not just the ability but the imperative to separate our planning activities into two distinct segments – detailed planning that leads to budgets in support of execution, and high-level, analytic-enabled business/scenario planning. My critique of Control Towers in this blog last time led me not only to
The volume is being turned up on the Control Tower approach to running a business; I have recently been introduced to logistics control towers, supply chain control towers and operations control towers just for starters. I’m sure there must be at least a half dozen more out there – pick
Sometimes you have to get small to win big. SAS Data Management breaks solution capabilities into smaller chunks – and deploys services as needed – to help customers reduce their total cost of ownership. SAS Master Data Management (MDM) is also a pioneer in "phased MDM." It's built on top of a data
SAS Global Forum 2014 was a great success, with the SAS Studio, a web based SAS interface garnering a lot of attention. SAS also announced the availability of SAS Analytics U, providing free web based access to SAS analytics for students, faculty and researchers. The conference had multiple paper and Super demos on data
Viel zu lesen, aber wenig Zeit? Wenn es um das Leitthema der CeBIT 2014 geht, helfen wir hier: Ein Team von Experten stellt begleitend zur Messe, die aus ihrer Sicht wichtigsten Beiträge in einem Magazin bei Flipboard zusammen.
Nächste Woche steigt mit dem German CRM Forum die führende CRM-Konferenz in Deutschland. Nils Müller, CEO von TrendONE, hält die Keynote über „Meet your future customer“. Im Interview mit „Mehr Wissen“ spricht er über Innovationen, das CRM der Zukunft und Google Glass im Business-Alltag.
If you’ve been over to at all in the last week, you’ve probably noticed our relaunched site. The changes are kind of hard to miss. But it’s not just the home page that’s changed. And it’s not just a cosmetic redesign. The whole site has been revamped with a goal toward
Forecasting Support Systems (FSS) – essentially, decision support systems for forecasters – are being given increasing scrutiny in forecasting circles, including our recent half-dozen articles in Foresight. Additionally this year, there has been a special issue of the International Journal of Forecasting focused on the topic. Keith Ord and
Wow did the summer fly by! Now that grad school is over, it’s about time to resume the “it’s all about the data” series. In the last several posts, I tried to lay a foundation for understanding how SAS stores and manages data for use in business intelligence and analytic
Mosaic plots (Hartigan and Kleiner, 1981; Friendly, 1994, JASA) are used for exploratory data analysis of categorical data. Mosaic plots have been available for decades in SAS products such as JMP, SAS/INSIGHT, and SAS/IML Studio. However, not all SAS customers have access to these specialized products, so I am pleased
As you've probably guessed, I'm a "visual" person - I like to see things (in a chart/graph/map) rather than just reading about them (in a data table and summary statistic). Don't get me wrong - I'm a big fan of statistics and analytics -- but I'm an even bigger fan of
SASuser power! Does this phrase conjure up any images for you? I visualize SAS users across the globe, addressing messy data, combating fraud, and making use of business analytics to provide insight and add business value for organizations around the world. We, SASusers are powerful! With the Potential of One
A common visualization is to compare characteristics of two groups. This article emphasizes two tips that will help make the comparison clear. First, consider graphing the differences between the groups. Second, in any plot that has a categorical axis, sort the categories by a meaningful quantity. This article is motivated
Im Controlling stehen heute enorme Datenmengen zur Verfügung. Diese liegen allerdings oft ungefiltert und z.T. in unstrukturierter Form vor. Erkenntnisse aus diesen komplexen Daten zu ziehen ist dabei eine der größten Herausforderungen. Vor allem dann, wenn Fragestellungen des Managements nicht mit den auf der Hand liegenden Daten beantwortbar sind. Methoden