Search Results: Visual Analytics (1744)

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Dr. Laurie Miles 0
Results-as-a-Service - Aussagekräftige Analysen für alle!

In seinem Buch „Competing on Analytics“ benennt Tom Davenport die Analytik als Grundlage nachhaltiger Wettbewerbsvorteile. Der Grund dafür ist der prädiktive Ansatz. Heutzutage ist es nicht mehr möglich, ein Unternehmen alleine mit Blick in den Rückspiegel zum Erfolg zu führen. Und Analytik erlaubt den dringend erforderlichen Blick in die Zukunft.

Data for Good | Data Management
Dan Stevens 0
A playbook for analyzing real world intelligence in a health care setting

Real world data collected in a functioning health care setting instead of a controlled clinical environment can provide opportunities for new and deeper insights across life science and health care organizations. However, managing, analyzing and extracting actionable information from the varied available sources can present unique challenges. The sheer size of these

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Michael Rabin 0
„Fraudsters love digital“

Wer glaubt, die Digitalisierung hätte dem Thema Versicherungsbetrug den Garaus gemacht, der irrt – gewaltig. Nach wie vor ist einer von zehn gemeldeten Schäden und Ansprüchen erfunden oder manipuliert. Der Schaden: mindestens 4 Milliarden Euro allein in Deutschland – und das nur bei Sachversicherungen, also ohne Lebens- oder Krankenversicherungen. Den

Dr. Biljana Belamaric Wilsey 0
Presidential election quiz

With the first debate between the two candidates behind us and the culmination of the US presidential election drawing near, who wouldn’t love to predict the winner? I don't have a crystal ball, but I do have the power of unstructured text analytics at my fingertips. With the help of

Dr. Sunil Bhardwaj 0
What makes a data scientist?

The term Data Scientist is in vogue right now. Let’s explore Data Science, what key skills make a data scientist and how SAS’ Academy of Data Science may help advance your career. The term "data science" (originally used interchangeably with "datalogy") has existed for over thirty years and was used

Elizabeth Dove 0
What you need to know about programmatic advertising

Once upon a time, the only way to buy and sell advertising inventory was based on the relationship between advertiser and publisher. The exchange was manual, with advertisers paying publishers an agreed-upon price for every impression. The process involved a lot of phone calls, spreadsheets, negotiation and re-negotiation, all of

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