Much of the discussion around how to manage the advanced forms of artificial intelligence—machine learning, generative AI, large language models—deals with them only as technologies. This is a mistake. Like any employee, AI must be onboarded to learn "how we do things around here." Advanced forms of AI have characteristics
Search Results: INSURANCE (459)
Did you know that approximately one in 28 children grows up with a parent behind bars? That’s not just a number – it’s a glimpse into the lives of young people who face this challenge and need support to break the cycle. According to the US Department of Health and
The extreme temperatures that hit the UK in 2022 – the heatwaves of the summer followed by cold snaps in winter – were a reminder that the climate is becoming increasingly volatile. Globally, the weather conditions were even more challenging, with droughts, famines, wildfires, flooding, and hurricanes reported worldwide. All
October 10th is World Mental Health Day. For 2023, the World Health Organization has chosen the campaign theme: Mental health is a universal human right. Per their statement: This includes the right to be protected from mental health risks, the right to available, accessible, acceptable, and good quality care, and
SAS' long-standing commitment to academia and finding innovative applications for analytics to solve real-world problems is a core pillar of our purpose. In 2022, we introduced our first cohort of students from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia working with SAS' thought leaders to explore the work
La digitalización del sector asegurador ha transformado la manera en que estas compañías ofrecen sus servicios. Las nuevas necesidades de los clientes, que ahora son más digitales y, por tanto, demandan rapidez, autenticidad y personalización en todos los servicios que utilizan, han impulsado un sector considerado hasta este momento tradicional.
As we bid farewell to another successful SAS Explore, let’s reflect on the exciting announcements made during the Day Three general session in Las Vegas. Jared Peterson, SAS Senior Vice President of Research and Development, set the stage for a closing session focused solely on our users and customers. We
When I started my career as an actuarial student in the early 2000s, being successful required a good actuarial exam passing rate and good modeling skills in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) or using SAS® to code. However, just as SAS never stands still in data analytics, the skillsets required for
AI has captured the general public's imagination, so it was no surprise that it was nearly the only topic of conversation among data professionals at this year’s Chief Data and Analytics Officer (CDAO) conference in London. Of course, AI and machine learning are not new concepts for those working in
Más del 5% de los ingresos anuales de las aseguradoras se pierden ante la perpetración del fraude, del que se registran un promedio de 2 mil 500 casos por año, divididos en 125 países, de acuerdo con la Asociación de Certificadores de Fraude de Estados Unidos. Estas cifras incluyen sólo
In summer 2020, we launched our strategic partnership with Microsoft, announcing our plan to work together to help our customers. With world-class data and analytics, we are helping them solve their most critical business challenges using SAS® Viya® on Microsoft Azure. In just three short years, we’ve made tremendous strides toward our
Insurers have faced significant headwinds in the last few years. The insurtech market continues to grow, even if it’s had the wind taken out of its sails recently due to funding for start-ups drying up and following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. But another contender and digital disruptor has
The 2023 International Congress of Actuaries (ICA2023) brought together industry leaders and actuaries worldwide to explore the challenges and opportunities for actuaries. Over the years, SAS has emerged as a variance and regression analysis software, revolutionising the actuarial field. Since then, it has evolved into SAS Viya 4.0, a cloud-native
A Fraude no setor bancário não é um tema recente, mas a pandemia e, mais tarde, a guerra tiveram impacto no setor, como aliás demonstra a quarta edição do relatório sobre a cibersegurança em Portugal do Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (CNCS) "A mitigação progressiva da pandemia e o surgimento de uma
Mental Health Month is an important time to honor and raise awareness around mental illness and mental wellness. Correcting and combating stigma and discrimination, including with data, is one of the month’s major goals. It’s hard to talk about mental health without also addressing substance use disorders (including opioids), homelessness
The SAS 9 Content Assessment is a collection of applications that are designed to help users understand the various characteristics of their deployment. SAS Content Assessment delivers information that is critical to helping you to upgrade to the latest version of SAS (Viya).
For several years Kim Andreaus and I have taught Powerful Tools for Caregivers, an evidence-based program that teaches skills for self-care and stress management. One of the lessons from the class that always resonates with me is the concept of guilt versus regret. Guilt is shame-based and implies there was
Cloud technologies enable greater access to analytics. The shift to providing less complicated usability empowers decision-makers and offers a competitive advantage previously unattainable. Companies of all sizes and sectors embrace cloud technologies to address data and information challenges. IT departments are short-staffed and expected to support a large and varied
By Carl Eastwood, Fraud & Financial Crimes Domain Lead at SAS, and Katarina Garai, CFE - Retail & CSP Fraud Lead at SAS Managing fraud risks in the Communication Service Provider (CSP) industry is no easy task, not least because of the speed at which fraudsters adapt to exploit new
The perfect storm of challenges facing insurers is well-known to anyone working in the industry today. Some have been bubbling away for years – such as the competition from insurtech companies and non-insurance firms like manufacturers, the rising cost of claims, and internal inefficiencies. As the tough economic climate continues
金融保險業 -自動化 AI 模型監控 -洗錢防制、反詐欺等關聯複雜且需即時防制的犯罪行為探索 -分析理賠風險 -信用卡臨時調額即時決策 -自動徵審核貸系統 -減少模型建構時間,節省人力且提升效率 -提高消費行為掌握度 -即時商品推薦,設計更精準的行銷計畫 -提高產品再購業績 -利用文字分析進行客群探勘 玉山金控 國泰金控 新光銀行 渣打銀行 中國人壽 新光人壽 全球人壽 南山人壽 滙豐銀行 花旗集團 臺灣企銀 零售業 -需求預測以減少庫存成本 -提升商品銷量預測 -會員管理分析平臺,深化客群分析與個人行銷能力 家樂福 特力集團 Levi's 雀巢 醫療 -即時分析降低併發症機率 -深度學習後優化檢測流程 -資料庫分析 台北榮民總醫院 克里夫蘭醫學中心 阿姆斯特丹大學醫學中心 運動 -加強球員表現 -制定最佳化票價 -強化球迷關係 -提升觀賽體驗 AEG Sports NBA 製造業 -異常即時預警,確保產品質量,防止良率波動 -即時分析,機器同步也每秒自主學習、自動優化分析模型
If you're a marketer, you've likely heard the words "customer experience" tossed about for years. All the buzz is for a good reason: Positive customer experience (CX) increases profitability and improves employee engagement. But amid the spotlight on CX, many marketers are missing a key strategic element necessary to make
What barriers do some communities face in getting the facts about cancer and the treatment they deserve? The CEO Roundtable on Cancer opened up about them at a November conference at SAS. For 21 years, the CEO Roundtable on Cancer has been gathering to discuss advancements in cancer. Their 40-member organization, along with
Childbirth should be a safe and joyous occasion as parents welcome a new member into their family. Still, too often, that joy is overshadowed by maternal complications, including maternal and infant death. Each year in the United States, as many as 60,000 women experience severe, unexpected health problems related to
In the modern world, hyperautomation is a way to speed up the development and launch of new digital products and processes – but how exactly can this be done? Throughout part 1 and part 2 of this blog series, we’ve been looking at what hyperautomation is and what it looks
It is often said that cooperation is key to addressing big, intractable problems. The European Union recently highlighted this with amendments to the Administrative Tax Cooperation Directive. These amendments are designed to improve cooperation between tax authorities on administrative tax and reduce tax evasion and tax fraud.[1] Increasing information exchange
My recommendations for action for all those who want to sharpen their target picture now Digitisation in the insurance industry continues to advance. Although every insurance company is moving at its own pace, there is a lot happening in the specialist areas: In marketing, projects around the customer journey are
When patients miss appointments, it costs providers money and has serious health impacts on patients. Analytics can help improve scheduling processes for more effective use of resources and to ensure patients receive the care they need. In isolation, it doesn’t seem that missing a doctor’s appointment is that big of
Maybe you’re a SAS®9 programmer in the insurance industry who stores her analytics projects in a local desktop folder, or in a Git library. Or maybe you’re a data scientist who specializes in aviation forecasting and loves the no-code environment of SAS® Viya®. Or maybe you’re a Python devotee at
Anyone in the insurance industry knows that fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated and their crimes more difficult to identify. Insurance fraud in the UK costs an estimated £3 billion per year – but only around a third of that is detected. Whilst opportunistic fraud poses a problem to the industry and