Search Results: INSURANCE (512)

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Sting Fan 0
How actuaries are driving AI transformation and embracing change

The 2023 International Congress of Actuaries (ICA2023) brought together industry leaders and actuaries worldwide to explore the challenges and opportunities for actuaries. Over the years, SAS has emerged as a variance and regression analysis software, revolutionising the actuarial field. Since then, it has evolved into SAS Viya 4.0, a cloud-native

Josh Morgan 0
5 mental health myths: What does the data say?

Mental Health Month is an important time to honor and raise awareness around mental illness and mental wellness. Correcting and combating stigma and discrimination, including with data, is one of the month’s major goals. It’s hard to talk about mental health without also addressing substance use disorders (including opioids), homelessness

Work & Life at SAS
Katie Seavey Pegoraro 0
Guilt vs. Regret

For several years Kim Andreaus and I have taught Powerful Tools for Caregivers, an evidence-based program that teaches skills for self-care and stress management. One of the lessons from the class that always resonates with me is the concept of guilt versus regret. Guilt is shame-based and implies there was

Analytics | Cloud
Lindsay Marshall 0
4 ways software as a service is driving intelligent business decisions

Cloud technologies enable greater access to analytics. The shift to providing less complicated usability empowers decision-makers and offers a competitive advantage previously unattainable. Companies of all sizes and sectors embrace cloud technologies to address data and information challenges. IT departments are short-staffed and expected to support a large and varied

SAS Taiwan 0
SAS 分析產業應用實例

金融保險業 -自動化 AI 模型監控 -洗錢防制、反詐欺等關聯複雜且需即時防制的犯罪行為探索 -分析理賠風險 -信用卡臨時調額即時決策 -自動徵審核貸系統 -減少模型建構時間,節省人力且提升效率 -提高消費行為掌握度 -即時商品推薦,設計更精準的行銷計畫 -提高產品再購業績 -利用文字分析進行客群探勘 玉山金控 國泰金控 新光銀行 渣打銀行 中國人壽 新光人壽 全球人壽 南山人壽 滙豐銀行 花旗集團 臺灣企銀 零售業 -需求預測以減少庫存成本 -提升商品銷量預測 -會員管理分析平臺,深化客群分析與個人行銷能力 家樂福 特力集團 Levi's 雀巢 醫療 -即時分析降低併發症機率 -深度學習後優化檢測流程 -資料庫分析 台北榮民總醫院 克里夫蘭醫學中心 阿姆斯特丹大學醫學中心 運動 -加強球員表現 -制定最佳化票價 -強化球迷關係 -提升觀賽體驗 AEG Sports NBA 製造業 -異常即時預警,確保產品質量,防止良率波動 -即時分析,機器同步也每秒自主學習、自動優化分析模型

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Stephane Goddé 0
Reducing tax evasion and fraud: the importance of cooperation

It is often said that cooperation is key to addressing big, intractable problems. The European Union recently highlighted this with amendments to the Administrative Tax Cooperation Directive. These amendments are designed to improve cooperation between tax authorities on administrative tax and reduce tax evasion and tax fraud.[1] Increasing information exchange

Analytics | Cloud | SAS Events
Shadi Shahin 0
Your analytics, your way

Maybe you’re a SAS®9 programmer in the insurance industry who stores her analytics projects in a local desktop folder, or in a Git library. Or maybe you’re a data scientist who specializes in aviation forecasting and loves the no-code environment of SAS® Viya®. Or maybe you’re a Python devotee at

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management
Olivier Penel 0
The 5 characteristics of a future-fit, data-driven organisation

Change is the only constant, and it doesn’t happen overnight. This is particularly true in the world of data analytics. As organizations are looking to become more digital, resilient and profitable, executives are going back to the whiteboard to reconsider how they’re using data and analytics to transform their business.

Lee Ann Dietz 0
Earth Day 2022 – an interview with SAS specialists about analytics and climate resilience

Leaders from businesses and governments across the world continue to show progress on a range of critical environmental topics, addressing climate resilience and taking actions to ensure a more sustainable and thriving planet. Advancements and innovations continue to open new avenues for environmental leadership – and the use of data

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Andreas Kitsios 0
Does Romania need to boost its anti-money laundering toolbox?

Traditionally, banks have been seen as the front line in anti-money laundering activity. They have increasingly been subject to regulatory requirements to check customers, transactions and activity. However, as governments have required banks to make fraudulent activity harder, criminals have evolved their tactics. And the financial sector needs to keep

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Learn SAS | Students & Educators
Alex Coop 0
Hooked on data science: gamification drives engagement among students and trainees

While studying business intelligence as an undergraduate student at business school HEC Montreal, Camille Duchesne encountered Cortex, an analytics simulation that pits participants against each other to develop the most accurate models for a particular task. In this case, the simulation supports a fictional charity by predicting which subjects from

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