Search Results: Visual Analytics (1629)

Advanced Analytics | SAS Administrators
David Stern 0
Creating and uploading custom icons and map pin icons in SAS® Visual Investigator

SAS Visual Investigator has an attractive user interface. One of its most engaging features is the network diagram, which represents related ‘entities’ and the connections between them, allowing an investigator to see and explore relationships in their source data. For maximum impact, each entity in the network diagram should have an

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things
Cornelius Kimmer 0
Edge Analytics - So kommt Analytics in den Truck (Teil 3) HEUTE: Konfiguration der Software

ODER: Wie erstelle ich ein Edge Analytics Case auf Basis von SAS ESP, SAS Streamviewer und eines Modelltrucks? Das beschreibe ich in Teil 3. Rückblick: Im ersten Teil wurden die Idee und der Inhalt der SAS Streaming-Analytics-Demo beschrieben. Im zweiten Teil sind die einzelnen technischen Komponenten sowie die Software aufgelistet. Im

Cornelius Kimmer 0
Edge Analytics: So kommt Analytics in den Truck

ODER: Wie erstelle ich ein Edge Analytics Case auf Basis von SAS ESP, SAS Streamviewer und eines Modelltrucks? Im ersten Teil wurde die praxisnahe Demonstration von SAS Streaming Analytics anhand eines Modelltrucks beschrieben. Für den Aufbau eines funktionsfähigen Modells, das mit einer Fernbedienung in Bewegung gesetzt werden kann, werden folgende

Analytics | Internet of Things
Cornelius Kimmer 0
Edge Analytics: Wie Event Stream Processing und ein Modelltruck zusammenhängen

Edge Analytics ist zweifellos eines der „Next Big Things“. Noch vor ein, zwei Jahren nicht mehr als ein ambitioniertes Konzept, sind jetzt die Voraussetzungen für ganz reale Anwendungen da. Wie so etwas aussehen kann, will ich anhand eines scheinbar spielerischen, aber tatsächlich einsatzbereiten Beispiels zeigen: dem analytischen Truck. In diesem

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
6 examples of data management, reporting and analytics in higher education

Today in higher education, savvy users expect to have the information they need to make data-informed decisions at their fingertips. As such, leaders in institutional research (IR) are under pressure to provide these users with accurate data, reports and analyses. IR has been tasked with transforming data and reports in

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Mike F. Smith 0
Utility analytics in 2017: Aligning data and analytics with business strategy

Regulations, corporate drivers, leadership and market influences have combined to produce a patchwork of uneven progress on initiatives such as distributed generation, customer choice, asset optimization and the industrial Internet of Things. These initiatives all rely on analytics to gain the most return on investment. To better understand organizational readiness

Analytics | Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Robert Ruf 0
Analytics im Controlling – mutiert der Controller 2.0 zum (Citizen) Data Scientist?

Der Interpretationsspielraum zwischen „Bean Counter“ und „Business Partner“ ist immens. Nicht umsonst sind die Meinungen sehr unterschiedlich, welcher konzeptionelle Controlling-Ansatz der „richtige“ ist. Nicht nur in der Wissenschaft, sondern auch in der Praxis findet man deutliche Unterschiede vor, welches Selbstverständnis das Controlling in den Unternehmen hat. Ich möchte heute jedoch

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management | Data Visualization | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Randy Guard 0
How companies can succeed in an analytics economy

Artificial intelligence. Big data. Cognitive computing. These buzzwords are the ABCs of today’s marketplace. In a recent interview at SAS® Global Forum, I discussed the unprecedented pace of change that we’re seeing in the market. It’s creating what I like to call an analytics economy. In this economy, analytics –

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Scott Nalick 0
When everything is analytics, nothing is analytics...?

The widespread adoption of the term "analytics" reminds me of the evolution of the term "supply chain management." Initially the term focused on supply chain planning. It involved demand and supply balancing and the heuristics and optimization tools that came out of advanced planning and scheduling. Over time practically everything was included

Analytics | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
Data visualization helps University of Louisville achieve its 2020 strategic plan

When senior leaders at the University of Louisville (UofL) approached Vice Provost Bob Goldstein in early April 2016 with a request for a fully functioning data visualization platform by start of the 2016 fall semester—just four months away—he did not panic. Instead, Goldstein, along with Becky Patterson, Executive Director of

Data Visualization
Michael Thomas 0
Immersive analytics: yes or no?

I’m drawn to immersive analytics (IA) because it covers areas I’ve been looking at since 2012, and have been publishing on since early 2014, like virtual reality and data worlds. I’m retroactively applying the cool new term IA (not to be confused with AI for artificial intelligence) to all of my activities

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Stavros Stavrinoudakis 0
Visual Investigation: the emerging role for Audit, Compliance, Safety & Security, Health and Financial Crime Departments

From national security agencies, law enforcement organizations looking to terrorism and criminal activities, internal security, audit and compliance departments, to hospitals and public health organizations guarding against disease outbreaks, there are many common needs and constant challenges, e.g.: Detect an event of interest in the early stages. Investigate suspicious events

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