Starting the Parent Care conversation . . . There are numerous reasons why we don’t want to have this conversation and avoid it at all costs. It’s awkward . . . it’s emotional . . . it feels presumptuous and uncomfortable . . . the list goes on and on.
Search Results: INSURANCE (459)
“War is 90% information”, said Napoleon Bonaparte. Though the famous French general didn’t live in the information age, he attributed most of his military achievements to having the right information. Today’s business is similar - more and more companies are looking for a competitive advantage in data, more precisely useful
What’s new and what’s on the horizon for machine learning and analytics? We asked Kirk Borne, Principal Data Scientist and Executive Advisor at Booz Allen Hamilton, what machine learning technologies he’s watching. He focused his reply on applications, not algorithms. “When I think about what’s new and coming up, I
Beginning a new school year can be hard for little ones. Whether it is being dropped off the first day of preschool, starting kindergarten, going to a new school or getting a new teacher, young children can experience stress. A lot of times this stress presents itself as separation anxiety – not
If you’re familiar with the SAS story, you know that we have deep roots in academia. But our CEO Jim Goodnight has always known that roots aren’t enough to achieve incremental growth. You also have to plant seeds. Analytics alone can’t drive change, help businesses succeed and make the world
Todd Wright says addressing GDPR compliance might be just the catalyst the insurance industry needs.
La experiencia que se brinda al cliente es uno de los aspectos más importantes que toda empresa debe considerar si busca una transformación del negocio o bien, si se desea llevar a la organización en la dirección correcta. De acuerdo con un estudio realizado, 70% de los CEO’s de las
IFRS17 hat weitreichende Auswirkungen und bedarf umfassender Änderungen und Anpassungen im Finanz-Reporting von Versicherungen. Bezogen auf die IT-Landschaft sind insbesondere die beteiligten Accounting-Prozesse und -Systeme betroffen. Dazu gehören aber nicht nur das Hauptbuch und die Reporting-Anwendungen, sondern auch Quellsysteme und aktuarielle Systeme. Einführung neuer IFRS17-spezifischer Funktionen Die Prozesse und die
Deep learning made the headlines when the UK’s AlphaGo team beat Lee Sedol, holder of 18 international titles, in the Go board game. Go is more complex than other games, such as Chess, where machines have previously crushed famous players. The number of potential moves explodes exponentially so it wasn’t
I am having a rough spring. My allergies are awful, really dreadful. I got sick and couldn't knock it for months. I injured my hip flexor in December and on some days in Jan, Feb, and March it hurt to even stand still much less exercise. And did I mention I am 50? I
今年のSAS Global Forum は、USのフロリダ州オーランドで開催されました。 例年同様日曜日スタート 従来と異なるのは、パートナー様向けの、SAS Partner Forum 2017 がSGFと同時開催されたことです。日本から参加されたSASジャパンのパートナー企業様は、前日夜のレセプションから始まり、イベント週間の先頭をきって、日曜日朝8:30からのSAS Executiveも登壇するセッションに参加いただき、みっちり午後までのスケジュールを、忙しくこなして頂きました。その様子は、こちらのSAS Partner Blogよりビデオでご覧いただけます。お忙しい中を時間を割いて日本からご参加いただくパートナー企業様が年々、増加しており、今年もセッション他、有意義なコミュニケーションの時間を過ごさせていただきました。誠にありがとうございます。多種多様なスキル・経験をお持ちのパートナー企業皆様に囲まれ、今後のSASビジネスに非常に心強さを感じました。 明日のリーダーを育成する さて、SAS Global Forum、通称SGFは、初日の夜のOpening Sessionからスタートなのですが、その前に、前述のパートナー様向けのイベントだけでなく、毎年最も重要なイベントの一つであるAcademic Summitが行われます。これは、SASが重要視することの一つである、人材育成・教育への投資、そしてその結果、社会へ優秀なデータサイエンティストを生み出すための活動であるAcademic Programの年次の総会のようなものです。教育関係者だけではなく企業関係者も参加することで、実務で役立つ教育の促進と人材の確保というエコシステムを形成しています。これを特徴付ける数字としては、このイベントのスポンサーを見てもわかります。 通常のパートナー企業様のスポンサーが29社 アカデミックのスポンサーは、16教育機関。 この数から見ても、本イベントを大学などの教育機関が重要視していて、教育と企業との連携が盛んであることが伺えると思います。 SAS Global Forumそのものが、教育機関と民間企業の接点の場であり、学生の発表や表彰、そして参加大学の企業へのアピールの場にもなっています。さて、Academic Summitのアジェンダを見てみましょう。 ネットワーキング SAS担当エグゼクティブの挨拶 スカラシップ受賞者の紹介 Student Ambassador Program受賞者の紹介 Student Symposiumファイナリストの発表 ゲスト講演 Student Symposium(SGF2017で実施されるコンペティション)の優勝チームである、Kennesaw State University の "The Three Amigos"は、「銀行の定期預金契約者の決定要因をロジスティック回帰と決定木で分析」したものでした。その他Student Symposiumの発表は以下のようなものがありました。 Dataninjas: Modeling Life Insurance Risk (Kennesaw State University)
I. Situación del cliente El fraude de seguros más común es el de vehículos, incluyendo los accidentes automovilísticos simulados y los reclamos de daños inflados. Con el sistema de detección de fraude adecuado, se pueden ahorrar millones, tal como lo demostró Allianz en República Checa. II. Desafío El desafío que
David Loshin explains why MDM is such a valuable tool in helping to detect fraud.
The widespread adoption of the term "analytics" reminds me of the evolution of the term "supply chain management." Initially the term focused on supply chain planning. It involved demand and supply balancing and the heuristics and optimization tools that came out of advanced planning and scheduling. Over time practically everything was included
Dieser Weg … Kann er leichter sein? Regelmäßig begeben wir uns in ein Hamsterrad. Für die Erfüllung von Regulatorik und Compliance sind auf dem Weg bis zum Reporting viele vorgelagerte Schritte notwendig. Diese zu bewältigen, ist sehr mühsam: Die beteiligten Fachbereiche und Systeme sind meist sehr heterogen aufgestellt, die Prozessschritte
Image recognition is a hot and hyped topic in machine learning, artificial intelligence and other technology circles. Computer vision technology is essential for realizing advancements like driverless cars, face recognition, medical outcomes predictions, and a host of other breakthrough innovations. Amidst the hype, organizations large and small are trying to understand the
Editor's note: The following post is from Emma Warrillow, Chief DiGGer at Data Insight Group Inc. (DiG). Emma is a featured speaker at SAS Global Forum 2017 and recently named as one of the Top Women in Direct Marketing by Direct Marketing News. Learn more about Emma. “I need
David Loshin describes three sets of policies required for ensuring compliance with data protection directives for health care.
In 2011, Loughran and McDonald applied a general sentiment word list to accounting and finance topics, and this led to a high rate of misclassification. They found that about three-fourths of the negative words in the Harvard IV TagNeg dictionary of negative words are typically not negative in a financial
Health care fraud prevention is a sticky topic. David Loshin discusses what's needed to balance prompt claims payments with fraud prevention efforts.
The term compliance is most often associated with control. It evokes visions of restrictions, regulations and security protecting something which is to remain private. The term open is most often associated with access, and it evokes visions of an absence of restrictions, regulations and security – making something available which is
On any inauguration day in our country’s history people probably found themselves in one of three categories: happy & hopeful, disappointed & apprehensive, or apathetic & checked-out. Change is difficult, whether you perceive it as positive or negative. This blog is not to share which category I fall into but
Experience design is not just like a standard advertising campaign or an online app, but rather a strategy to keep customers engaged with a brand through impactful interactions. It means that every product and service is designed to offer a delightful experience; the packaging, mobile app, web and print ads
Achieving GDPR compliance is impossible without Data Management and Data Governance. That's a bold statement but it is borne out by any in-depth examination of the tasks necessary to achieve compliance. Let's take a look at a few of the things that regulators require when interacting with organizations around personal
Editor's note: The following post is from Xiaoyuan Zhang, presenter at an upcoming Insurance and Finance User Group (IFSUG) webinar. Learn more about Xiaoyuan Zhang. As a business user with limited statistical skills, I don’t think I could build a credit scorecard without the help of SAS Enterprise Miner. As you
In the word of digital marketing, one of the more controversial moves I’ve seen recently was from U.K. car insurer Admiral. The company recently announced that it would begin offering car insurance discounts to less risky customers based on voluntarily provided social media data. The insurer would analyze Facebook likes
I was surprised to learn recently that despite the reams of laws and policies directing the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) across industries and government agencies, more than 50 million Medicare beneficiaries were issued cards with a Medicare Beneficiary Number that's based on their Social Security Number (SSN). That's
In the first blog of this four-part series, we discussed traditional data management and how we can apply these principles to our big data platforms. We also discussed how metadata can help bridge the gap of understanding the data as we move to newer technologies. Part 2 will focus on
This year’s Polish SAS Forum conference gathered more than 900 enthusiasts of the use of analytics for the generation of innovation. The business session in the Customer Intelligence domain was focused on the methods of meeting the challenge of maximization of revenue while keeping the customers satisfied. Market leaders highlighted