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Jim Simon 0
DATA STEP text file tricks

When reading a text file (common extensions: TXT, DAT; or, for the adventurous: HTML) with the DATA STEP, you should always view several lines from the text file, and compare to the record layout, before completing the INPUT statement.  There are many ways to view a text file.  I use

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 0
Weird PROC FREQ trick

Default PROC FREQ output looks like this: Suppose you don't want the two cumulative statistic columns above.  No problem.  Those can be suppressed with the NOCUM option on the TABLE statement, like this: proc freq data=sashelp.shoes; table product / nocum; run;

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 0
Dataset too big for PROC PRINT?

Dataset too big for PROC PRINT? One weird trick solves your problem! proc print data=bigdata (obs=10); run; The OBS= dataset option specifies the last observation to process from an input dataset. In the above example, regardless of dataset size, only the first 10 observations are printed; an easy way to

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Patricia Spain 0
Where do you e-learn SAS?

We’re celebrating the student in all of us and you’re invited. Email us a photo of yourself or your fav SAS user learning SAS.  Send it to sastraining@sas.com. You can also Tweet us your best shot using #SASworldclass Our planet-friendly training is available worldwide, wherever you may be. Show us

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Maggie Miller 0
Landing a SAS Certification

After working as a flight attendant for more than 20 years, Lauren Guevara was ready for a new adventure. The inspiration for her journey came from an article she read in CNN’s Money magazine that highlighted the earning potential of a SAS Certification. Also having earned a Master of Science

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