Tag: analytics

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management
Marcelo Sukni 0
El futuro de la analítica está en manos del científico de datos

Analistas y expertos en Big Data de todo el mundo coinciden en la importancia de potenciar el capital humano y desarrollar profesionales más preparados. Cada persona tiene aptitudes para realizar diversas actividades como natación, equitación, tenis o, incluso, destacar en el ámbito profesional ofreciendo mejores resultados en tareas determinadas. Ahora

Alan Cudney 0
Here comes MACRA: Analytics can help you measure and manage

Medicare payment changes are coming. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced the intention of increasing the proportion of payments to providers based on outcomes and changes in health status, as opposed to delivery of services. At the January 11th, 2016 J.P. Morgan Annual Health Care Conference,

Data Management
Stuart Rose 0
Big data – game changer for insurers.

A recent survey by Capgemini found that 78% of insurance executive interviewed cited big data analytics as the disruptive force that will have the biggest impact on the insurance industry. That’s the good news. The bad news is that unfortunately traditional data management strategies do not scale to effectively govern

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