Tag: SAS

Mike Henderson 0
Reproducible research: Is my SAS code enough?

There was this very embarrassing day around year six of my career as a statistician working in clinical trials. I had a small group of interns working on a project that combined data from multiple clinical trials. The goal was to better understand sources of variation in the common control

Tom Stock 0
Decisions first!

I moved to Australia from Belgium two months ago for a short-term assignment. I am very concerned by the exchange rate. My dollars have lost over 15% of their value in euros and I share my frustration around me. People tell me, "Just wait, it cannot stay so low, the

Data Visualization
Ian Jones 0
Time for VirtualOil 2.0?

Since our last VirtualOil update in May, oil prices have continued to take a beating. As the chart of the rolling five-year portfolio shows, much of our strip of options is now out-of-the-money and the average value per barrel of that optionality has sunk below $7. No surprise then that

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