Tag: sas users

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Alexis Mallis 0
What is the value of SAS® certification

In today’s competitive marketplace and quickly evolving technological landscape, keeping knowledge current and developing hard skills has become more important than ever – and students and professionals alike are searching for opportunities to stand out from the crowd. In the analytics space, many are turning to career certificates in data

Analytics | SAS Events
Kara Roberts 0
SAS User Feedback Award winner helps drive innovation, shape SAS® Event Stream Processing software

SAS users help drive innovation, providing feedback on SAS products through various mediums, including customer advisory boards, communities, SASware Ballot® ideas, and SAS Global Forum. The SAS User Feedback Award is presented annually to a user whose recommendations and insights lead to significant improvements to SAS software. This year SAS

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Maggie Miller 0
Let’s celebrate 40 years of SAS users

Let’s go back to 1976 for a moment. Did you know that was the year Muhammad Ali introduced a line of beauty products called “Knock Out?” And the hottest merchandise, including t-shirts, posters and even beanbags sported the character Arthur Fonzarelli (The Fonz) of TV’s “Happy Days.” But there was something

Cindy Puryear 0
Macros Tip: %INCLUDE vs. Macro Language

This SAS author tip is from Robert Virgile, author of “SAS Macro Language Magic: Discovering Advanced Techniques”.  It actually came about when a reader posted a comment on one of Virgile’s blogs. Thank you to that reader for their comment! Technically, %INCLUDE is not part of macro language.  Yes, it

Cindy Puryear 0
Macro Myth: The closest non-empty symbol table

This SAS tip is from Robert Virgile and his book “SAS Macro Language Magic: Discovering Advanced Techniques”. We hope you find this tip useful. You can also read an excerpt from Virgile’s book. When CALL SYMPUT creates a new macro variable, it places that variable in “the closest non-empty symbol

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Kathy Council 0
More eBooks for everyone

SAS Publishing has been offering eBooks through partners like Amazon, Apple, and Google, for a number of years. Our content is also available through subscription-based companies like Books 24x7, Safari, and EBSCO. We have learned that taking content developed for hardcopy and turning it into an ebook is not a

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Early praise for PROC DOCUMENT by Example Using SAS

Hot off the press and debuting at NESUG is Michael Tuchman's new book, PROC DOCUMENT by Example Using SAS. Tuchman's book demonstrates the practical uses of the DOCUMENT procedure, a part of the Output Delivery System, in SAS 9.3. The DOCUMENT procedure allows general SAS users to store and manage