Tag: SAS Global Forum

SAS Events
Charu Shankar 0
10 presentation tips from a first-timer

Well really, the gumption, you’re probably thinking—sharing tips with seasoned SAS Global Forum participants!  I’m excited beyond measure, thrilled and a little nervous to be presenting in San Francisco.  Yes, I know I’m a Global Forum first-timer, but with your permission, I’d like to offer some tips that I've found

Alyssa Farrell 0
Experts discuss value of energy analytics

How often do you question the availability of power? Outside of weather events, the answer is probably, “not much.” But what if you have an electric vehicle?  Or manage a data center?  Rely on either of those technologies and you might consider electricity as a constraint, around which you plan

SAS Events
Sara Jones, CMP 0
Where's your flair?

There was a lot of talk last year about What not to wear at SAS Global Forum and although informative and fun we didn’t necessarily help with what IS in style. Since 2013 is the year of Statistics  we are going to focus our fashion series a little more on

SAS Events
Rick Mitchell 0
A day to celebrate

Yes, it’s February 15 and plenty of people celebrated yesterday for obvious reasons; Valentine’s Day.  But today, SAS Global Forum is celebrating for other reasons.  It’s not about flowers, candy and love notes for us this week– it’s about content, content and more content.  That’s right – we’re celebrating today

SAS Events
Steve Overton 0
The wait is killing me!

Once you have submitted your abstract for SAS Global Forum, the wait is on!  It can be very grueling, especially for first time presenters who don’t know the ropes yet. The key is not to second guess yourself or your idea. The wait can be long, weeks or even months,

SAS Events
Christina Harvey 0
NESUG 2012 Student Scholarship winners

Congratulations to this year's NorthEast SAS Users Group Student Scholarship winners!   Student scholarships make it possible for young professionals to learn new SAS skills, meet other SAS users, hear about innovative new research, and network with other professionals from around the world. Rachel Bray, University of Maryland College Park, is pursuing a

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