Tag: data privacy

Customer Intelligence | Data Management | Innovation | Marketing
Amy Dyson 0
Building customer trust: Balancing privacy and personalization

In today's digital age, marketing technology (MarTech) plays a crucial role in how businesses engage with their customers. However, the success of truly contextual customer engagement hinges on one fundamental principle: trust. Building and maintaining customer trust is essential for long-term business success, as it fosters loyalty and contributes to

Analytics | Data Management | Predictions
Stu Bradley 0
Data privacy perspectives: How financial services firms can foster trust in the AI age

Every year, as Data Privacy Week sharpens the focus on protecting personal information, I’m reminded of a customer event a major North American bank hosted at SAS world headquarters. The bank’s chief data officer led a roundtable discussion on generative AI (GenAI) with a group of esteemed data and AI experts. The

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Innovation
Brett Wujek 0
Working with synthetic data? Ask these 6 questions first

Synthetic data has emerged as a powerful tool for overcoming the limitations of real-world data. The future holds great promise for accelerated innovation. With synthetic data, companies can now generate financial transactions, medical records or customer behavior patterns that maintain statistical relevance like real data. This emerging technology can help

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management
Hyeshin Hwang 0
생성형 AI에 대한 준비, 얼마나 되었을까요?

생성형 AI는 우리의 업무 환경과 사회를 변화시키고 있습니다. 사람과 기술이 상호작용할 새로운 방법을 제시하며 상상을 능가하는 속도로 영향을 끼치고 있죠. 최근 실시한 조사 결과는 생성형 AI에 대한 흥미로운 시각을 제시하고 있는데요, 기업 의사결정자들이 체감하는 생성형 AI의 해결 과제와 기회를 동시에 확인하실 수 있습니다. 대다수의 응답자는 GenAI를 통해 직원 만족도가 향상되었고(82%),

Artificial Intelligence
John Gottula 0
3 strategies for effective data anonymization for governments

The ancients’ practice of publicizing set-in-stone personal records would run anathema to modern data privacy laws. These days, in lieu of using contemporary personally identifiable records, I anonymized a 4,000-year-old tax record from ancient Babylon to describe three principles for effective data anonymization at scale: Embracing rare attributes: values and

Advanced Analytics
Fabian Ducheyne 0
Meeting citizens’ expectations: How AI can help governments

Adopting analytics and AI in the public sector is changing how governments make decisions. Technology improves the efficiency and transparency of work processes, positively impacting service delivery to increasingly demanding citizens. However, many government organizations still need help fully embracing a data-driven culture. The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Albert Qian 0
How SAS and Microsoft are using the power of partners to protect data in the cloud

Humanity collectively creates 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily, presenting incredible opportunities for organizations—especially those who collect it in the cloud. Cloud-based data offers excellent insights for organizations, including a meaningful look at customer needs and operational improvements. However, these benefits come with risks, especially regarding security. According to IBM

Analytics | Data for Good | SAS Events
Josh Morgan 0
The case for uniting data: A public and moral duty for mental health

Mental health and data sharing. Seeing those phrases in a single sentence gives even the most seasoned professionals pause. This is legitimately sensitive data. And there are often specialized confidentiality and privacy laws due to the stigma and discrimination against those with mental health disorders.  All the same, many agencies are starting to ask

Analytics | Data Management
Kalliopi Spyridaki 0
Data governance: The renewed imperative for digital financial institutions

New and more prescriptive privacy and other data-related regulations are elevating data governance to a strategic asset for organizations in all sectors. Data governance can no longer remain confined to a back-end IT operation. As the data-rich financial services sector is now moving fast towards more profound digitization of financial