Tag: big data

Stuart Rose 0
Innovation in reinsurance – no longer an oxymoron

Insurance is a tough marketplace, but in many respects reinsurance is tougher! Today, the reinsurance industry is faced with an unprecedented number of challenges especially with what appears to be an increasing frequency and severity of man-made and natural catastrophes. To combat these challenges, reinsurers are turning to technology for

Advanced Analytics
Andrew Pease 0
What is scale?

I've got scale on my mind! While speeding down the rails from Brussels to Paris on the TGV (the sleek, high-speed train), the scale of speed is breathtaking. In previous generations, going from Brussels to Paris for a single-day meeting would have inevitably involved a plane, with check-ins, security, travel

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management
Marcelo Sukni 0
El futuro de la analítica está en manos del científico de datos

Analistas y expertos en Big Data de todo el mundo coinciden en la importancia de potenciar el capital humano y desarrollar profesionales más preparados. Cada persona tiene aptitudes para realizar diversas actividades como natación, equitación, tenis o, incluso, destacar en el ámbito profesional ofreciendo mejores resultados en tareas determinadas. Ahora

Data for Good
Jill Dyché 0
Big data, one dog at a time

A few years ago, in the height of my workaholism, I took up a hobby. I go to sketchy neighborhoods around L.A. and hang out with dogs I don’t know. I have a long history of adopting and fostering shelter dogs, often getting them out on their “euth dates.” With

Advanced Analytics | Data for Good
Alan Cudney 0
Dignity Health demonstrates the power of advanced analytics at HIMSS16

According to Lloyd Dean, president and CEO, "At Dignity Health, we are committed to developing partnerships and opportunities that harness the tremendous potential of technology, from improving the patient experience to providing caregivers with tools that will support their day-to-day care decisions." Dignity Health, one of the largest health systems

Data Management
Bill Davis 0
MapReduce vs. Apache Spark vs. SQL: Your questions answered here and at #StrataHadoop

As the big data era continues to evolve, Hadoop remains the workhorse for distributed computing environments. MapReduce has been the dominant workload in Hadoop, but Spark -- due to its superior in-memory performance -- is seeing rapid acceptance and growing adoption. As the Hadoop ecosystem matures, users need the flexibility to use either traditional MapReduce

Rainer Sternecker 0
Big Data Origins: In-Memory als Zukunftsinitiative

Big-Data-Definitionen und -Herleitungen à la drei, vier oder noch mehr „V”s gibt es zur Genüge, alle wohldurchdacht und stimmig. Ihnen allen gemein ist aber die generelle Einordnung des Themas als Zukunftsinitiative. Übertrieben gesagt: weg vom Rechenschieber hin zur künstlichen Intelligenz, die alles perfekt entscheidet und aus dem Nichts heraus neue

Rainer Sternecker 0
Big Data ist tot, es lebe Big Data!

Wenn es einen Begriff gibt, der in den letzten Jahren die IT-Branche außergewöhnlich geprägt hat, dann lautet dieser bestimmt „Big Data“. Kaum jemand konnte sich den unzähligen Beiträgen entziehen, das Thema war und ist in aller Munde. Auch ich selbst durfte das eine oder andere Mal von den berühmten Big-Data-„V“s erzählen.

Data Management
David Loshin 0
Big data quality with continuations

I've been doing some investigation into Apache Spark, and I'm particularly intrigued by the concept of the resilient distributed dataset, or RDD. According to the Apache Spark website, an RDD is “a fault-tolerant collection of elements that can be operated on in parallel.” Two aspects of the RDD are particularly

Fernanda Benhami 0
La bola de cristal tecnológica

Según el psicólogo americano Frederic Skinner, las consecuencias de una acción influyen directamente en la probabilidad de que esta acción se repita. Llevando esta afirmación para el mundo de los negocios, podemos concluir que, cuando tenemos una experiencia negativa en un site de e-commerce, es poco probable que regresemos a

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