Tag: big data

David Smith 0
Breaking down the great walls of data

Despite many experts touting 2016 as a significant year for innovation, IT is still chaotic, with many teams stuck in an old world. Organisations are implementing countless digital and data projects in an attempt to improve business models and streamline processes. Sadly, these rarely reflect any kind of coherent company-wide IT

Kelly McGuire 0
9 Ways for Hoteliers to thrive in 2016

2015 was a busy year for the hotel industry. ADR, Occupancy and RevPAR achieved record highs. We saw extensive merger and acquisition activity, culminating at the end of the year with the acquisition of Starwood by Marriot and Fairmont by Accor (and don’t forget Expedia’s Orbitz acquisition, of course). Favorable

Customer Intelligence | Internet of Things
Jakobus Dorloff 0
Mein Bekenntnis: Ja, ich möchte ein bequemer Nicht-Sucher werden!

Am Jahresende Dinge noch einmal Revue passieren lassen und sich melancholisch an frühere Jahre zurückerinnern, ist sicherlich nicht nur meine Passion. Wie in jedem Jahr haben mich auch in diesem wieder einige Buzzwords verfolgt, die ich das eine oder andere Mal durchaus “einfach so” hingenommen habe. Aber im rethorischen Dickicht von Big

Paula Brown 0
Creating the care we deserve

Earlier this month I attended my first Forbes Healthcare Summit, where the stated goal for this year was to “figure out how to create the kind of care we know we deserve.” The event offered a unique gathering of pharmaceutical, health care and biotechnology chief executives engaged in frank discussions

Internet of Things
David Pope 0
Big data is coming to town!

You’d better watch YouTube, you’d better not cry You’d better not post, I’m telling you why Big data is coming to town He’s making many lists (and selling them too), he’s writing it twice (for redundancy’s sake), He’s gonna find out whose naughty or nice Big data is coming to town

Data Management
David Loshin 0
Big data integration as a service

I've seen a number of articles and webinars recently that discuss data integration as a cloud-based service. So I thought it was worth exploring what this really means in the context of big data – specifically when the objective is to exploit many sources of streaming data for analytics. My initial reaction

Data Management
Nicole Tschauder 0
Clusteranalysen: In der Gruppe stark (SAS Adventskalender 5. Türchen)

Das Christkind ist ausgesprochen zufrieden mit sich und seinen Vorbereitungen. Wir möchten vermuten, dass dem Christkind die Komplexität seiner Aufgabe (trotz zweitausendjähriger Geschichte) erst jetzt so richtig dämmert. Es hat gelernt, assoziativ zu suchen, Kommentare der Kinder zu analysieren und aus allem die richtigen Schlüsse zu ziehen. Heute verfeinert es

Michael Rosenthal 0
Keeping cool while upgrading your analytics

Imagine your company's analytics environment is like an old apartment building, with each unit having its own air conditioner. Each air conditioning unit has to be individually maintained and repaired by the building landlord or "super." The air conditioning units come from different manufactures and are of varying ages.  It can be challenging, to

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
The Integration of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become the new It Girl of the IT world. Of course her big brother big data continues to generate big buzz. My sis from another miss Tamara Dull has blogged about the relationship between big data and IoT, positing big data is a subset of IoT on