
Chris Hemedinger 0
A custom tasks book: by the numbers

Milestone achieved: I've completed the final chapter of Creating Custom Tasks for SAS Enterprise Guide using Microsoft .NET and turned it over to SAS Press for editing and production. It's scheduled to be available in early 2013. I committed to writing this book nearly 5 years ago. I'll engage in

Rick Wicklin 0
Access rows or columns of a matrix by names

Did you know that you can index into SAS/IML matrices by using unique strings that you assign via the MATTRIB statement? The MATTRIB statement associates various attributes to a matrix. Usually, these attributes are only used for printing, but you can also use the ROWNAME= and COLNAME= attributes to subset

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Forest Plot with Subgroups

During SAS Global Forum 2012, I had conversations with many SAS users who wanted to create Forest Plots.  However, there was one new twist.  The study names were subgrouped by categories like 'Age', 'Sex', etc., with multiple entries under each subgroup.  The name of each study within the subgrouped was indented

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Report from MWSUG 2012

A week ago I had the pleasure of attending MWSUG 2012 in Minneapolis.  There were many presentations on Data Visualization in various tracks including the following: Using SAS ODS Graphics - Chuck Kincaid Get the best out of SAS ODS Graphics... - LeRoy Bessler Program Assisted Patient Narratives - Faye

Students & Educators
Nadja Young 0
Transitioning value-added and growth models to new assessments

This summer’s education conferences have been dominated by sessions discussing the “next generation,” Common Core aligned assessments in English and mathematics.  As 44 states plan for the transition from their state tests to the new PARCC and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium assessments, SAS has received repeated questions from our partners

SAS Events
Waynette Tubbs 0
A CareerView Mirror

Are you just starting out in your career? What if you think you’ve been around the block and there is nothing new you can do in your career? Everyone has their own perspective on what career planning is, but Bill Donovan from OckhamSource has a plan to help SAS users make a career

SAS Events
Waynette Tubbs 0
Two MWSUG papers in review

Every fall (fall in the US, that is), I try to attend as many SAS Users Groups events as humanly possible. This year, I’m starting with the MidWest SAS Users Groups conference in Minneapolis, then SouthEast SAS Users Group conference in Durham, NC (my home base) and finishing the season

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS Leadership Council members announced

Your SAS user experience matters to me and to everyone at SAS. That’s the reason we continue to build customer-focused programs. We want learn as much as possible about your experience: How do you interact with us? With which departments do you interact most, and what successes and challenges do

SAS Events
Waynette Tubbs 0
Search engine using SAS

“It’s the age of the search engine! I remember people ‘Yahoo!’ing during the late 90's and ‘Google’ing till the late 2k's and now ‘Bing’ing. I just wondered, ‘Why not SAS?’” wrote Pramod. R on his blog SASopedia. This was the beginning of a quest and a MidWest SAS Users Groups

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