
Rick Wicklin 0
Four ways to create a design matrix in SAS

SAS programmers sometimes ask, "How do I create a design matrix in SAS?" A design matrix is a numerical matrix that represents the explanatory variables in regression models. In simple models, the design matrix contains one column for each continuous variable and multiple columns (called dummy variables) for each classification

Bob Davis 0
What does a successful supply chain look like?

I had the opportunity to interview an award-winning, fast-moving, consumer packaged goods (CPG) company in the early 2000’s. They were recognized as one of the best supply chain companies in the United States by all of the major retailers and their CPG peers. Indeed, it seemed every time a new

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Create dummy variables in SAS

A dummy variable (also known as indicator variable) is a numeric variable that indicates the presence or absence of some level of a categorical variable. The word "dummy" does not imply that these variables are not smart. Rather, dummy variables serve as a substitute or a proxy for a categorical

Ryan Thomas 0
Asylum seekers needn’t cause Home Office headaches

Asylum seekers not causing headaches for the UK’s Home Office may be hard to imagine. There are regular scare stories about asylum seekers and budget cuts, amid rising concerns over immigration and the strain its putting on the national infrastructure. But it needn’t mean headaches for policy makers and officials.

Programming Tips
Kim Wilson 0
Reasons to love PROC DS2

PROC DS2 (DS2) is a new SAS programming language that extends the power of the traditional DATA step. Some customers have wondered if this new functionality is simply the “DATA step on steroids,” meaning that we simply added more robust functionality so that it’s a replacement for the DATA step.

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Infographics Bar Chart

Last week I posted an article on creating Infographics using SAS.   The interest shown by the SAS community in this topic came as a surprise.  Also, it so happened by coincidence, a SAS users also  called into Tech Support just about the same time with a query about creating  Infographics type graph

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Dance your HEART out!

Our cardiovascular systems are "complex arrangements of hydraulic, yet living, components" (Swain, 2000). Just as water must constantly flow at varied rates through a water system in a city, blood must also circulate rhythmically throughout our bodies to keep us vibrant and healthy.  The heart drives the entire system.  We get more efficient at

Margaret Crevar 0
When can too much memory hurt SAS?

With memory being affordable now, we are constantly being asked by customers about doubling and tripling the amount of RAM that SAS recommends. More is better, right? Often, but we have found a specific scenario using SAS datasets where that is not the case. Remember, that increasing memory generally means a commensurate

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