
Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
LGBTQ Teen Dating #worklifelove

In our Work/Life Relationship series we are trying to offer something for everyone.  I thought a light-hearted blog of funny dating stories from LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning) teens would be a good addition.  This year W/L will be doing more educational offerings around parenting LGBTQ kids and

Work & Life at SAS
Page Cvelich 0
Teen Dating & Consent

The last time I wrote a blog about teen dating, I shared that my colleague, Lisa Allred, and I were learning new terms from the teens in our lives. One was “ship”.  Of course, the funny part was that although Lisa got the concept correct, she mis-remembered the actual term. 

SAS Poland 0
Social network analysis in SAS® Visual Investigator

As early as in 2009, Gartner predicted that Social Network Analysis (SNA) could be an important tool for detecting business patterns or disruptions and a source of new unprecedented insights for organisations. Today, SNA-based tools, as components of advanced analytic platforms (including predictive platforms), become indispensable for defining long-term strategies and managing

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
RFC Move of the Month - ROW

Looking for ways to add some variability to your routine?  Try these row options.  You can choose one or all as you focus on your back while keeping your core engaged.  The row incorporates almost every muscle involved in moving your shoulder and your elbow.  It also relies on muscles of

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