
Shelly Goodin 0
An unforgettable customer interaction

Bad customer service experiences burn into our brains, creating permanent recall. And although we rightfully expect good customer service across the board, truly exceptional customer care is also unforgettable. This month, I featured an interview with SAS Publishing sales representative Sharon Brandon in the new issue of SAS Publishing News.

The graphs you could create: if only you knew how

You’ve got your raw data visualized, you need a graph that shows the results of a custom analysis, you have a mental image of the graph you want to create, but…you don’t know the procedure needed to create what you want. Sanjay Matange and Dan Heath have written a book

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Map overlays

In Simple maps can go a long way, we discussed some techniques to create simple outline maps from map datasets in the MAPS library using GTL.  Now, let us take this a step further to do something more useful with this feature. For some graphs, the map information is an essential part of the

Mike Gilliland 0
My Offering: Forecast Accuracy Objectives for 2012

Managing expectations for forecast accuracy is very important, as often those expectations are extreme after management invests in a new system. Software vendors have also been known to make overly (choose one: optimistic? sanguine? idyllic?) accuracy claims as part of their sales pitch. Of course, there is no arbitrary level of accuracy

Rick Wicklin 0
A SAS Christmas tree

A few colleagues and I were exchanging short snippets of SAS code that create Christmas trees and other holiday items by using the SAS DATA step to arrange ASCII characters. For example, the following DATA step (contributed by Udo Sglavo) creates a Christmas tree with ornaments and lights: data _null_;

Chris Hemedinger 0
What's the difference between 0 and -0?

My daughter's math lessons this year have included the concept of negative numbers (that is, numbers that are less than zero, not numbers that have a bad attitude). She has used number lines such as this one to help her while she completes her homework: Notice that in this number

Chris Hemedinger 0
Too many pies can be hard to digest

On his SAS and R blog, Ken K. recently posted an example of a visualization technique called "small multiples". In this exercise, Ken shows the programming technique for replicating a particular series of pie charts in R as well as in SAS. It's a useful exercise to learn from, but

Learn SAS
Author to author: top tips for new writers

SAS Press prides itself on being a place where users come to help other users. Collaboration is key here—not just between authors and the SAS Press team, but among authors alike. So we asked two of our authors, one experienced and one currently working on his first  book, to share

Mike Gilliland 0
SCM Focus on forecastability and over fitting

My Google Alert on "forecastability" paid off with a gem this weekend, in the blog post "Forecastability and Over Fitting" by Shaun Snapp on SCM Focus.  I was not previously familiar with Shaun or this site, but found a lot to like -- in content and attitude. In his post, Shaun kindly

Rick Wicklin 0
SAS tip: Put ODS statements inside procedures

The SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) enables you to manage and customize tables (and graphics!) that are created by SAS procedures. I like to use the ODS SELECT statement to display only part of the output of a SAS procedure. For example, the UNIVARIATE procedure produces five tables by default,

Shelly Goodin 0
How do you choose a book?

I recently asked our SAS Publishing Facebook fans a similar question. And today I’m curious enough to broaden the scope of this book buying investigation. I polled 17 willing SAS Publishing colleagues in this non-random poll and gave them an hour to share how they choose books.  Admittedly, I only provided

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
Our 9 bestselling books in November

Last month’s bestseller list is an eclectic blend of new, tried and true, and titles related to what you do. (think industry). SAS Press books do cover a wide variety of topics. But these top 9 in November are a particularly striking example of that. November was a strong month for us. And we publish

Bill Coleman 0
What can asset management do for utilities?

Water and wastewater treatment plants are among the most complex facilities built and maintained by utility companies, whether public or private. Each facility contains thousands of pieces of equipment worth millions of dollars that must operate in concert for the many complex treatment processes to function effectively.  The consequences of these assets

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