My previous blog post focused on a graph, showing the % of women earning STEM degrees in various fields. While that graph was was designed to answer a very specific question, let's now look at the data from a broader perspective. Let's look at the total number of STEM degrees
An important problem in machine learning is the "classification problem." In this supervised learning problem, you build a statistical model that predicts a set of categorical outcomes (responses) based on a set of input features (explanatory variables). You do this by training the model on data for which the outcomes
Editor-in-Chief Len Tashman's Preview The forecasting field is surely cross-disciplinary, as exemplified by the diverse membership of the International Institute of Forecasters (the publisher of this journal), but it is also multidimensional, as can be clearly seen in this Summer 2017 issue. The articles you’ll read here encompass sales and
Phil Simon chimes in on the immediacy of enterprise data.
For the past several years, efforts have been under way to recruit more women into the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. I recently saw an interesting graph showing the percentage of bachelor's degrees conferred to women in the US, and I wondered if I could tweak that graph
I started my training in machine learning at the University of Tennessee in the late 1980s. Of course, we didn’t call it machine learning then, and we didn’t call ourselves data scientists yet either. We used terms like statistics, analytics, data mining and data modeling. Regardless of what you call
Artificial intelligence promises to transform society on the scale of the industrial, technical, and digital revolutions before it. Machines that can sense, reason and act will accelerate solutions to large-scale problems in myriad of fields, including science, finance, medicine and education, augmenting human capability and helping us to go further,
I recently showed how to compute a bootstrap percentile confidence interval in SAS. The percentile interval is a simple "first-order" interval that is formed from quantiles of the bootstrap distribution. However, it has two limitations. First, it does not use the estimate for the original data; it is based only
Carbon Dioxide ... CO2. Humans breathe out 2.3 pounds of it per day. It's also produced when we burn organic materials & fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, and natural gas). Plants use it for photosynthesis, which in turn produces oxygen. It is also a greenhouse gas, which many claim
I don't have a big vacation planned this summer. Don't feel sorry for me... I am going to Germany for a week in October and on Friday I leave for my second weekend at the beach. I have recently been reading about what makes a vacation "restorative". There is some cool
Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI). In fact, many SAS customers who've been using our analytics capabilities for years or even decades are asking: What can we do with AI? What exactly is AI from a software perspective? How can we infuse cognitive computing into our customer interactions and on the customer
Die (technologische) Veränderung kommt… und sie kommt schnell. Digitalisierung ist nicht mehr nur „in aller Munde“, sondern inzwischen in den Unternehmen angekommen. Das zeigte das SAS Forum Deutschland 2017, das am 29. Juni im World Conference Center in Bonn stattfand und das rund 1.200 Teilnehmer besuchten und etwa ebenso viele
Joyce Norris-Montanari explains why it's so important to pick the right tools to manage your big data.
I previously wrote about how to compute a bootstrap confidence interval in Base SAS. As a reminder, the bootstrap method consists of the following steps: Compute the statistic of interest for the original data Resample B times from the data to form B bootstrap samples. B is usually a large
For the fifteenth year, the International Institute of Forecasters, in collaboration with SAS®, is proud to announce research grants for how to improve forecasting methods and business forecasting practice. The award for the 2017-2018 year will be two $5,000 grants, in Business Applications and Methodology. Criteria for the award of
Two of my colleagues have shared their experiences as a statistic and a child who could have been left behind. I too have my own story that helped drive my passion. All of us define equity in different ways. Equity is a concept that is hard to define, and we
For colleges and universities, awarding financial aid today requires sophisticated analysis. When higher education leaders ask, “How can we use financial aid to help meet our institutional goals?” they need to consider many scenarios to balance strategic enrollment goals, student need, and institutional finances in order to optimize yield and
In an IoT world, everything is connected. But what does it mean to be connected? Does it mean being plugged in to your phone, car, home, TV, favorite apps and retailers? Does it mean knowing what’s happening all around you? And having the “things” you’re connected to acting as recommender
When building models, data scientists and statisticians often talk about penalty, regularization and shrinkage. What do these terms mean and why are they important? According to Wikipedia, regularization "refers to a process of introducing additional information in order to solve an ill-posed problem or to prevent overfitting. This information usually
Helmut Plinke explains why modernizing your data management is essential to supporting your analytics platform.
A SAS customer asked how to use SAS to conduct a Z test for the equality of two proportions. He was directed to the SAS Usage Note "Testing the equality of two or more proportions from independent samples." The note says to "specify the CHISQ option in the TABLES statement
최근 금융, 통신, 자동차, 공공, 리테일, 교육 등 모든 산업을 관통하고 있는 한 단어가 있습니다. 바로 4차 산업혁명인데요. 빅데이터, 사물인터넷(IoT), 인공지능(머신러닝), 로봇 등 첨단 ICT 기술의 융합으로 완성되는 4차 산업혁명은 미래 산업의 필수 성장 동력으로 자리잡았습니다. 그 중에서도 특히 제조업은 이른바 ‘인더스트리 4.0’의 촉발과 함께 그 새로운 혁명의 시작을 알렸는데요.
When I arrived for a training course with the name, "Powerful storytelling for tech," I was surprised to discover that most of the attendees worked in sales, rather than the marketing and communications crowd I'd been expecting. They were all there to learn how best to engage prospects – how
If you spend a lot of time in SAS Enterprise Guide (as I do), you probably get to know its features pretty well. But we don't always take the time to explore as we should, so there might be a few golden nuggets of editor knowledge that have escaped you
The Kettlebell (KB) clean is a multi-joint movement that incorporates a squat, a pull, and shoulder rotation. You will work to maximize momentum generated in the lower body to use your upper body while challenging core stability. This exercise requires a little coordination and precision, so take your time learning
Students in introductory statistics courses often use summary statistics (such as sample size, mean, and standard deviation) to test hypotheses and to compute confidence intervals. Did you know that you can provide summary statistics (rather than raw data) to PROC TTEST in SAS and obtain hypothesis tests and confidence intervals?
We live in exciting times. Our relationships with machines, objects and things are quickly changing. Since mankind lived in caves, we have pushed our will into passive tools with our hands and our voices. Our mice and our keyboards do exactly as we tell them to, and devices like the
지난 4월, 미국 재무부 산하의 금융범죄단속반 ‘FinCEN(Financial Crime Enforcement Network)’이 북한을 자금세탁 및 테러자금조달 위험 국가로 지정하고, 금융 기관에 주의보를 발령했습니다. 트럼프 행정부가 들어선 이후 첫 발령인데요. 미국 우선주의를 제창하는 트럼프 정부와 고조되는 반테러 정서에 따라 미국 금융 당국의 AML 규제는 더욱 심화될 것이란 업계 전망입니다. 실제 최근 스탠다드 차타드
Choosing great colors for a graph is sometimes the most difficult part. And here is yet another thing you need to worry about ... sometimes colors represent different things in different cultures! In this blog post, I improve a graphic to help you get a grasp on those color-to-culture relationships.
David Loshin discusses big data identity resolution in a programming and execution environment.