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With the cost-of-living crisis continuing and the UK now in a recession, industries have to acclimatise to shifting market trends and consumer behaviour to maintain revenue and hit sales targets. The telecommunications industry is susceptible to consumers’ different priorities in times of economic hardship - many consumers will stick with
If you’ve decided to make some changes this year, but you have yet to start or your resolution is fizzling out after a couple weeks of going strong, you are not alone. Even when we have the best intentions, stubborn old habits, day-to-day responsibilities and unexpected life events can sometimes
SAS expert Leonid Batkhan demonstrates how to automatically replicate/clone metadata users’ groups and roles from one user to another.
In a previous article, I presented some of the most popular blog posts from 2022. In general, popular articles deal with elementary topics that have broad appeal. However, I also write articles about advanced topics. The following articles didn't make the Top 10 list, but they deserve a second look.
SAS' Sylvia Kabisa shows you how an online media company might use SAS to offer targeted discounts through personalized pricing.
Está sucediendo en casi todas las regiones del mundo, y Latinoamérica no es la excepción: las economías que tienen una mayor cultura analítica y de adopción de inteligencia artificial son las que más están logrando crecer en la actualidad. Al comparar reportes de crecimiento de países del Fondo Monetario Internacional
I have an anxiety disorder and 24 years ago when I decided to have a child, I was most worried about how I could parent in a way that didn’t stack the “nurture” part of the equation against my child. Anxiety disorders are thought to only have about a 30%
DataOps increases the productivity of AI practitioners by automating data analytics pipelines and speeding up the process of moving from ideas to innovations. DataOps best practices make raw data polished and useful for building AI models. Models need to work on the data that is introduced, as well as on
When you use PROC MEANS or PROC SUMMARY to create a summary data set and include a CLASS statement, SAS includes two variables, _FREQ_ and _TYPE_, in the output data set. This blog shows you two ways to interpret and use _TYPE_ using the data set Shoes in the SASHELP
Data science teams are no longer comprised of tiny groups of Ph.D. holders exploring cutting-edge projects. Organizations that wish to stay competitive in their marketplaces today need effective data science teams. A strategy to effectively apply advanced analytics and data science to drive better products, services and decisions has many
회복탄력성을 유지하는 한 해 될 것 2022년 우리는 코로나19 팬데믹과 수많은 가족의 터전을 빼앗은 국제적 분쟁에 적응하고 회복하기 위해 노력했습니다. 에너지 가격은 급등했고, 공급망 문제 및 여러 중단 사태가 지속되었습니다. 그 결과 수 십년만에 전 세계 물가인상률은 역대 최고를 기록했고, 경제 전반에 도미노 효과를 일으켰습니다. 지난 몇 년 간 우리는
Since 2008, SAS has supported an interface for calling R from the SAS/IML matrix language. Many years ago, I wrote blog posts that describe how to call R from PROC IML. For SAS 9.4, the process of installing R and calling R from PROC IML is documented in the SAS/IML
Los desafíos actuales de las organizaciones están claros, por lo menos en lo que tiene que ver con el objetivo de mejorar su llegada al mercado. Las empresas hoy están ante la necesidad de habilitar las plataformas y los datos adecuados para que los colaboradores puedan acceder a la información
“Una red mundial de sensores conectados mediante tecnología inalámbrica a computadoras que analizan los datos, dará a las empresas de todo el mundo una mayor cantidad de información y visibilidad sobre cómo funcionan las personas, los dispositivos y los sistemas”. De todas las definiciones que uno puede encontrar y que
SAS' Marinela Profi and Sophia Rowland elaborate on IDC including SAS among the leading platform providers for Machine Learning Operations.