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A few weeks ago I wrote an article on using the non breaking space character to prevent stripping of leading and trailing blanks in a string. Since then, I have discovered a few more instances where the nbsp can be a useful tool for creating graphs. One such instance came up last week

It’s that time of year again! The leaves are turning, the days are getting shorter, and all across the country, SAS users are getting ready for the annual users group conferences. To get people excited about the upcoming events, I’ll be hitting the road—metaphorically, at least—and virtually visiting each of

SAS users world-wide have turned to Susan Slaughter, Lora Delwiche, and The Little SAS Book to learn SAS programming. This week's SAS tip is from their bestselling fourth edition of the book (the fifth edition is now available for preorder). Whichever version of The Little SAS Book you use, you'll benefit from the friendly

One of the often-cited side effects of moving from "Base SAS" (SAS on your PC, or Display Manager) to SAS Enterprise Guide is the loss of "X" command privileges -- that is, the ability for your SAS programs to invoke other programs via the operating system shell. We call this

A super hot topic in most organizations is how to make the most of the troves of social data available. This Post-It Note author isn't specific about the SAS solution that is being used, so I'm going to speculate that he or she is taking advantage of SAS Text Miner, SAS Text

I follow Andrew Ratcliff's NOTE: blog, and thought you might want to check out his latest post. I've reprinted it below (you'll notice that I'm a bit behind the times): NOTE: SGF Call for Papers 2013 Opens Tomorrow #sasgf13 The Call for Papers for next year's SAS Global Forum (SGF) opens

“Ohio links teacher pay to test scores” was the headline of a recent CNN School of Thought blog. Yikes! With a headline like that, teachers might start heading for the hills. I kept reading through the blog hoping that it would better explain Ohio’s policy to use student growth data
Pie charts have been the subject of some criticism when they are used to compare measures across multiple categories. It is generally accepted that comparison of magnitudes represented as angular measures from varying baselines is not effective. However here are some use cases where a pie chart does quite well. When it comes

This week's SAS tip is from A. John Bailer and his book Statistical Programming in SAS. A Fellow of the American Statistical Association, John has been using SAS for 30 years. He's also Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Statistics at Miami University. To read a free chapter and user reviews

It's always great to hear that SAS users get to thump their chests a bit around statisticians and programmers who are struggling because they are trying to solve problems using software provided by those "other" companies. Now, that's inspiring.

Regular expressions provide a powerful method to find patterns in a string of text. However, the syntax for regular expressions is somewhat cryptic and difficult to devise. This is why, by my reckoning, approximately 97% of the regular expressions used in code today were copied and pasted from somewhere else.

Facebook has millions of users, and therefore when people share an interesting graph on Facebook it can "go viral" and millions of people might see it. Some of the graphs are obviously a bit biased - especially ones that are trying to sway your opinion one way or another on a topic

The SAS/IML language supports user-defined functions (also called modules). Many SAS/IML programmers know that you can use the RETURN function to return a value from a user-defined function. For example, the following function returns the sum of each column of matrix: proc iml; start ColSum(M); return( M[+, ] ); /*
The Scatter Plot Matrix is a great tool that provides a quick visual of potential associations between variables. This may provide the analyst some hints on how to proceed with the analysis. Matrix of lab values for liver function tests are commonly used in clinical research. The SGSCATTER procedure provides an easy way

It is common to want to extract the lower or upper triangular elements of a matrix. For example, if you have a correlation matrix, the lower triangular elements are the nontrivial correlations between variables in your data. As I've written before, you can use the VECH function to extract the