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Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Animation using SGPLOT

Often we want to visualize the relationship between variables over time.  The understanding of such data can be improved by viewing the animated graph over time.  With SAS 9.4, you can create animated graphs using the new animation options on the OPTIONS statement and the PRINTER destination. A popular example an

Data Visualization
Andreas Becks 0
Heißes Herz und kühler Kopf - zwischen GWA Effie und Löwe

"And the winner is…" Ob der Branchen-Oskar für wirksame Marktkommunikationen, der "GWA Effie",  oder die "Löwen von Cannes" für inspirierende Kreativität: Im Frühsommer ist es traditionell wieder an der Zeit, Preise zu verleihen* in der Marketing- und Werbebranche! Sicher: Kreative Leistungen und erfolgreiche Zielgruppenansprachen in klassischen Medien, im Online-Bereich oder  im

David Pope 0
Analytics, the ultimate renewable resource

The value of analytics to solve multiple business problems really makes analytics the ultimate reusable business investment, or as they say in the energy industry, it may be called a renewable resource. As I've commented before, organizations spend billions of dollars on storing data, and unless you happen to be a

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Ways to multiply in the SAS/IML language

For programmers who are learning the SAS/IML language, it is sometimes confusing that there are two kinds of multiplication operators, whereas in the SAS DATA step there is only scalar multiplication. This article describes the multiplication operators in the SAS/IML language and how to use them to perform common tasks

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