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This week's SAS tip is from Kevin D. Smith and his new book PROC TEMPLATE Made Easy: A Guide for SAS Users. Kevin is a software developer at SAS with extensive experience supporting PROC TEMPLATE and underlying ODS technologies. We're excited that Kevin decided to write his book and hope
Fall is rolling around, which means time to plan and attend at least SAS regional conferences. I’m heading to the Southeastern SAS User’s Group (SESUG) conference in beautiful St. Petersburg, Florida. While I do love the conference, they had me at St. Pete Beach!
Für die deutsche Industrie nimmt die Bedeutung und Eigenständigkeit einer systematischen Betrugsbekämpfung zu. Neben der regulatorischen Dimension rücken die Betrugsverluste und –kosten die ökonomische Seite zunehmend in den Fokus des Managements. Intelligente Betrüger wissen heute häufig um die Existenz von Prüfmechanismen sowie deren Umgehungsmöglichkeiten und agieren geschickt unterhalb des Radars. Sie
Do you know (right off the top of your head) the simple SAS/GRAPH code you would use to create line graphs? ... If not, then this tutorial is for you! A line plot is basically a scatter plot where the markers are connected. A line plot should only be used
With the popularity of SAS Grid Manager, this question often comes up: which clustered or shared file system should we use with the multiple nodes of the SAS Grid? This is a question that needs to be thought through very carefully because the amount of time and effort to fix
Ways We Excrete Toxins You learned in the previous Chews Strategically post, Foods for Natural Detox, that certain foods provide important nutrients that assist the liver in transforming toxins so they can be excreted from the body. After the toxins are transformed into water soluble substances they are excreted through
360° Power für fundierte Entscheidungen. 2 Tage Analytics live erleben. Das ist das Motto auf dem SAS Forum 2013 vom 11. und 12. September in Mannheim. Damit die Besucher die 2-tägige Veranstaltung bestmöglich nutzen und ihre SAS Forum Teilnahme gezielt planen können, gibt es ab sofort die SAS Forum App für iOS (iPhone und iPad), Android
Scatter plots are probably the simplest kind of graph, and provide a great way to visually look for relationships between two variables. But, do you know (right off the top of your head) the simple SAS/GRAPH code you would use to create them? ... This tutorial leads you step-by-step through the
With registration for the Midwest SAS Users Group well underway, I reached out to conference chair George Hurley to get the scoop on what makes MWSUG a can’t-miss event for SAS users. As a veteran MWSUG attendee, he’s an absolute expert in what makes it such a rewarding opportunity for
Recently I wrote about how to determine the age of your SAS release. Experienced SAS programmers know that you can programatically determine information about your SAS release by using certain automatic macro variables that SAS provides: SYSVER: contains the major and minor version of the SAS release SYSVLONG: contains the
Recently my boss came across a graph where a time series plot was modified to include a "thickness" response. We wondered if this would be a good addition to the GTL / SG Series plot statement. What would the result look like, and what are the pros and cons? So, I took up
Over the past few releases, SAS has offered high availability for servers through various failover techniques. So I’ve been wondering how metadata clustering differs and why does SAS 9.4 provide it. The “why” is an easy question to answer. Today’s SAS software is used in a wide array of business-critical applications
Big Data ist in aller Munde und beflügelt vom aktuellen Hype werden damit hohe Erwartungen verknüpft. Das bloße Sammeln bzw. Speichern großer Datenmengen ist jedoch nicht zielführend. Obwohl viele Unternehmen heute über eine gewaltige Menge an Daten verfügen, steht deren effektive Nutzung oftmals erst am Anfang. Die zentrale Herausforderung besteht
Die Bedeutung von Daten und deren Auswertung wächst in jeder Branche – ebenso wie die Komplexität von Geschäftsprozessen und ihren wechselseitigen Abhängigkeiten zunimmt. Ob es um ein besseres Kundenverständnis geht, eine genauere Risikoberechnung oder eine Optimierung von Produktion und Logistik: der Erfolgsfaktor von morgen liegt in der Analyse der ständig
SAS 9.4 was released a month ago, and we are excited about all the new features in SG Procedures, GTL and Designer. I wrote an article on SAS 9.4 graph features last month, and promised more to come. What then could be better than this Tech Talk video hosted by our