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Artificial Intelligence
Sandra Hernandez 0
La IA y la experiencia del cliente: una relación con beneficios y oportunidades de mejora

La inteligencia artificial se ha venido convirtiendo en una gran aliada transformadora de las experiencias de los clientes en las empresas y organizaciones en general. Los chatbots, la realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual están cambiando la forma en que los clientes interactúan con las marcas, y la IA y

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Learn SAS | Work & Life at SAS
Adriana Rojas 0
Colaboración entre universidades y empresas: intercambio mutuo de conocimiento

No creo que ninguno de los lectores de este post llegue a sorprenderse si les contamos que en SAS estamos al 100% comprometidos con el mundo académico. No obstante, hace casi medio siglo que nuestra compañía nació precisamente en las aulas de una universidad, la de Carolina del Norte. Desde

SAS Events
Caroline Ricks 0
Welcoming SAS Explore to Las Vegas

This year, Las Vegas played host to SAS Explore, an incredible gathering of developers, data scientists, engineers, programmers and more. In true Las Vegas fashion, the opening session brought all the glitz, immersing attendees in everything SAS offers. With a particular focus on SAS enthusiasts and users, day one featured exciting

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Reggie Townsend 0
Striking the balance: Navigating the pitfalls of AI technocentrism

Embracing AI is wonderful. From a practical business perspective, though, there are limits. This issue is broader than AI. However, I’ll constrain the conversation to that for now, given the attention AI is getting these days. Yes, some processes are undoubtedly good candidates for automation, but avoiding “technocentrism” is critical to

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Jessica Curtis 0
Why digital logistics is the key to supply chain resiliency amid geopolitical uncertainty

In an increasingly interconnected world, geopolitical events in one region can cause a ripple effect across global supply chains. Due to technical complexity and the concentration of large manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region, the semiconductor supply chain is especially vulnerable to disruptions. In fact, more than 65% of the

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