Search Results: demand planning (348)

Mike Gilliland 0
Deadly sin #5: Senior management meddling

The March 28 edition of APICS extra features an article by Fred Tolbert on "The Seven Deadly Sins of Sales Forecasting." Although I have some objection to his Deadly Sin #1: Using Shipment History (and will discuss the objection in a forthcoming guest-post on the Institute of Business Forecasting blog),

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
My Friends at F2010

The F2010 Business Forecasting Conference wrapped up on June 8. Chaired by Tim Rey of Dow Chemical and Jerry Oglesby of SAS, this was another strong event, bringing together 248 forecasters from business, government, and academics, representing 27 states and 11 countries. It was also an opportunity for all to

Alison Bolen 0
Three tips for bringing analysts and business leaders together

A number of the sessions at today's SAS Global Forum Executive Conference included discussions about how IT and business leaders can best collaborate on business analytics projects, or how analysts and business decision makers can best work together. In one panel I attended, "Retail and Manufacturing Analytics: Driving Business-Building Insights

Predictions | Risk Management
Julie Muckleroy 0
Risky business: Highlighting an intense focus on risk management

2023 delivered a raft of notable bank failures, the largest since the 2008 financial crisis. Silicon Valley Bank and others succumbed to collapse, triggering widespread reverberations and heightened market uncertainty. We also saw a tsunami of AI innovation, expanding fraud and financial crimes, workforce transformation and climate risk. And let’s

Internet of Things
Arnie de Castro 0
Reflecting on advancements and emerging trends in energy forecasting

Government regulations, technological advancements and improvements in energy forecasting are complex issues that require deep discussion.  Several pivotal thoughts were shared through a recent webinar dedicated to unraveling these complexities, shedding light on the nuances of the issues and their interconnectedness. Here are a few key takeaways from that discussion.

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Jessica Curtis 0
Why digital logistics is the key to supply chain resiliency amid geopolitical uncertainty

In an increasingly interconnected world, geopolitical events in one region can cause a ripple effect across global supply chains. Due to technical complexity and the concentration of large manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region, the semiconductor supply chain is especially vulnerable to disruptions. In fact, more than 65% of the

Benelux Resiliency Rules Report

The SAS Resiliency Rules report explores the global resiliency landscape. This report highlights country-specific findings about the ongoing market challenges, the difference between an importance in attaining resiliency versus perceived resiliency, and the principles companies need to follow to drive business resiliency. Our research defines resiliency as the ability of

Analytics | Innovation
Jessica Curtis 0
5 key questions to guide your connected factory strategy

Consumer goods manufacturers have faced significant challenges over the past few years due to rapidly changing demand and supply disruptions in their end-to-end supply chain. As a result, manufacturers have realized the need to strengthen their resilience and have prioritized assessing their manufacturing capacity to maximize output and automation. To

Analytics | Cloud
Lindsay Marshall 0
4 ways software as a service is driving intelligent business decisions

Cloud technologies enable greater access to analytics. The shift to providing less complicated usability empowers decision-makers and offers a competitive advantage previously unattainable. Companies of all sizes and sectors embrace cloud technologies to address data and information challenges. IT departments are short-staffed and expected to support a large and varied

Kayla Woitkowski 0
6 reasons why hiring early-career talent may be a strategy to explore

Determining the “right” talent strategy for an organization isn’t easy. Diverse projects and priorities demand various levels of knowledge, skills and experiences to achieve the end goal. Talent planning requires assessing current employees and unearthing the gaps to identify what’s needed to meet business demands. Specific and extensive knowledge and

Advanced Analytics
Stefan Herzog 0
Alles AGILE oder was?

Vor gut zwei Jahren hat die für den DACH-Raum (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz) zuständige Niederlassung des US-amerikanischen Software-Herstellers SAS Institute begonnen agile Methoden im Software-Vertrieb einzusetzen. Die Hauptmotivation für den damaligen Start der Initiative lag in der Hebung ungenutzter Potentiale im Zusammenhang mit der Generierung von Neugeschäft (auch als Demand- bzw.

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