Work & Life at SAS

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Analytics | Work & Life at SAS
Thomas Maier 0
Nur ein kleines Sponsoring -- mit großer Wirkung

Seitdem SAS Deutschland die Jugendförderung des Rugby Baden-Württemberg (RBW) unterstützt – ein langfristiges Engagement seit 1995 -- hat der südwestdeutsche Verband sage und schreibe 83 Nationalspieler, 55 Nationalspielerinnen und rund 100 U18-Nationalspieler hervorgebracht - das sind rund 75% aller Rugby Nationalspieler Deutschlands! 100 Kinder und Jugendliche waren auch in diesem

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Work & Life at SAS
SAS Colombia 0
Analítica e Inteligencia Artificial: armas secretas para ser campeón del Tour de Francia

Por primera vez, Latinoamérica tiene un campeón del Tour de Francia. Se llama Egan Bernal, es colombiano y según los especialistas, se trata de un deportista prodigio que apenas empieza a construir una gran historia. Y es que, a sus 22 años, Egan es el cuarto ciclista más joven en

Work & Life at SAS
Page Cvelich 0
Experts Help You Choose A School

Each week in August, the Work/Life Team has invited a psychologist, an educational consultant, and a school administrator to address questions about how to choose a school. For our first blogpost in this series, we have invited our experts to address the following question… When thinking about school choice what

Work & Life at SAS
Gale Adcock 0
35 (not an Adele album)

In July 1984 I was a public health nurse assigned to Willow Spring, Holly Springs and Fuquay, bustling between three public schools, home health visits, and a clinic on Fuquay Avenue that shared space with the local DMV office—a small white frame house divided in half to provide two essential

Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
Our Storytellers: Keith Teo

If you're curious what makes SAS a great workplace, one answer always rises to the top - our people. It's no secret that the people who work here are some of the best and brightest - not to mention the most passionate, accountable, authentic and curious people you'll ever meet. And at SAS, Your

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