Unlock critical business opportunities with maximum uptime and minimal administrative overhead

SAS Viya Workbench integrates seamlessly with SAS Model Manager for SAS model deployment and monitoring.
Unlock critical business opportunities with maximum uptime and minimal administrative overhead
SAS Viya Workbench integrates seamlessly with SAS Model Manager for SAS model deployment and monitoring.
Wanneer je denkt aan levensreddende technologie, denk je dan aan een statistische computeromgeving? Statistische rekenomgevingen (SCE) zijn essentieel voor het bevorderen van wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen door onderzoekers de mogelijkheid te bieden om gegevens efficiënt en volgens de regels te beheren, verwerken en analyseren, waarbij de integriteit van de regelgeving zo goed
Cuando piensa en tecnología que salva vidas, ¿le viene a la mente un entorno informático estadístico? Los entornos de cálculo estadístico (SCE, por sus siglas en inglés) son fundamentales para acelerar los descubrimientos científicos, ya que permiten a los investigadores gestionar, procesar y analizar los datos de forma eficiente y
Ti viene in mente un ambiente di calcolo statistico, quando pensi alle tecnologie salvavita? Eppure gli ambienti di calcolo statistico (Statistical computing environment, SCE) sono determinanti per accelerare le scoperte scientifiche, in quanto consentono ai ricercatori di gestire, elaborare e analizzare i dati in modo efficiente e rigoroso, mantenendo la
Denken Sie bei lebensrettender Technologie an eine statistische Rechenumgebung? Umgebungen für statistische Berechnungen (SCE) sind für die Beschleunigung wissenschaftlicher Aufdeckungen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Sie ermöglichen es Forschern, Daten effizient und konform zu verwalten, zu verarbeiten und zu analysieren, unter Wahrung der größtmöglichen regulatorischen Integrität. Da die Forschung im Bereich der
Når du tænker på livsvigtig teknologi, kommer du så til at tænke på et statistisk databehandlingsmiljø? Statistiske databehandlingsmiljøer (SCE) er afgørende for at fremskynde videnskabelige opdagelser ved at gøre det muligt for forskere at administrere, behandle og analysere data effektivt og i overensstemmelse med reglerne og opretholde den største lovgivningsmæssige
La evolución tecnológica es imparable, y en el mundo de la analítica de datos, SAS ha liderado este cambio con SAS Viya 4. Esta plataforma supone un avance significativo en comparación con sus predecesores, SAS 9.4 y SAS Viya 3.5, al adoptar arquitecturas basadas en contenedores orquestados por Kubernetes y
En el mundo actual, donde los datos son el activo más valioso, la ciberseguridad se ha convertido en una prioridad absoluta para las organizaciones. Proteger información sensible mientras se permite un análisis avanzado y eficiente requiere plataformas que sean no solo potentes, sino también resilientes frente a las amenazas digitales.
O SAS Viya Workbench é uma aplicação baseada na nuvem, projetada especialmente para desenvolvedores e cientistas de dados. Por ser acessível diretamente pelo navegador no desktop, elimina a necessidade de instalações complexas, permitindo que os usuários utilizem códigos SAS 9 e análises SAS Viya em um único ambiente integrado. Uma
Conheça alguns conceitos e estratégias para implantação de soluções que aproveitam das capacidades da nuvem e de containers com o SAS Container Runtime (SCR) O SAS, líder global de dados e IA, atua há quase 50 anos no desenvolvimento de soluções analíticas. Há alguns anos, integra suas soluções ao universo
The search to maximize our own productivity is never-ending. We all want to be more efficient in our work and carve out more time with loved ones. As you assess data and AI technology to automate processes and maximize efficiency, you may wonder if it’s truly possible for you or
The new SAS developer portal has a permanent home Say sayonara to the old SAS developer portal. We recently shut it down. The new portal is live and has a new home. The old and new sites were living side by side while we finished up some development work. Now
Cloud computing and containerization are two technologies that directly impact a CIO's core responsibilities: delivering IT services efficiently and effectively for the business. Beyond their technical implications, these technologies represent a strategic shift toward meeting business needs for agility, scalability and faster innovation. Striking a balance between opportunities and
Some nights, as a CIO, I don’t sleep well. The reasons are probably similar to what gives my other CIO peers restless nights, too. Because AI and other technologies continue to advance at a dizzying pace, I’m constantly weighing the opportunities for technology to transform our business against the challenges
Developers and modelers face challenges when finding and validating data, collaborating across groups, and transferring work to an enterprise platform. Using a self-service, on-demand compute environment for data analysis and machine learning models increases productivity and performance while minimizing IT support and cost. In this Q&A, Joe Madden, Senior Product
The SAS-managed services teams provide cutting-edge technology with dedicated service and support. Will Morris and his Build Services team are experienced SAS administrators and engineers who install, configure and tune SAS software and solutions in the cloud. With decades of experience hosting SAS solutions, Build Services utilizes proven best practices
For the data scientists and developers who use analytics to extract insights from massive volumes of data, it’s easy to see the appeal of operating in a metacloud environment. After all, analytics workloads are not only resource-intensive – they’re also highly variable and differ in terms of importance and urgency.
When organizations move to the cloud with a SAS-managed offering, SAS takes care of the design and delivery of software, infrastructure and services so that our customers can focus on using analytics to solve business challenges and see a quick return on investment. That’s where Michael Watson and his team of Technical Architects come in. Michael
In a global economy marked by fragile supply chains, scarce resources and rising energy costs, the spotlight is on forecasting to address these issues. In 2022, McKinsey & Company uncovered a staggering $600 billion annual food waste, equating to 33% – 40% of global food production, spotlighting the devastating consequences
When it comes to my data in the cloud, I want my service providers to keep security in mind. Few things worry me more than knowing my private information is not secure, or is being shared with untrusted collaborators. That’s why the recent announcement from SAS, our partner Microsoft, and
It might be more down to organic growth rather than a strategy that many large-scale organisations today operate in a multi and hybrid cloud environment. But orchestrating a mix of cloud and on-premise infrastructure is a growing challenge. Despite the benefits of flexibility, scalability, security and avoiding a single point
La inteligencia artificial y la analítica de datos han tenido un impacto trascendental en el sector de la salud. Gracias a sus numerosos usos en esta industria, los beneficios ya se han extendido desde el área asistencial hasta el campo de la investigación. Recientemente, tuvimos el privilegio de ser anfitriones
I had the privilege of attending the Open Data Science Conference (ODSC) in London and it was an incredibly enriching experience. Immersed in a gathering of like-minded professionals and experts, ODSC provided a captivating platform to delve into the latest advancements in the field of data science. From exploring the
The shift to cloud computing has dramatically transformed how organizations and businesses store, manage and analyze their data. The benefits of this shift are well-known: Moving to the cloud increases the potential to gain more value their data through faster access, greater scalability and cost-efficiency. All plain sailing, right? Not
When you think about life-saving technology, does a statistical computing environment come to mind? Statistical computing environments (SCE) are critical in accelerating scientific discoveries by enabling researchers to manage, process and analyze data efficiently and compliantly, maintaining the utmost regulatory integrity. As life sciences research generates increasingly large and diverse
The technology world never stands still, and transformation and change are constant. With that in mind, spending some time thinking about the why, what, how and when of a move to the cloud and Viya 4 is a worthwhile activity.
Let's look at the wider landscape and the direction of our customers, partners and SAS as we move SAS applications to be cloud-native in Viya 4.
Las organizaciones saben que este proceso es una tarea continua y una condición para seguir compitiendo y creciendo en sus respectivos mercados. Cómo abordar el proceso de modernización, sin embargo, requiere una planeación minuciosa, y no está exento de desafíos. Más aún, cuando involucra la adopción de tecnologías y procesos
Actualmente los datos de la gran distribución no forman parte de la cuenta de resultados, pero es el activo que deberían monetizar con mayor urgencia. Gracias a este análisis avanzado se puede mejorar el margen de la compañía y aumentar la eficiencia de diferentes procesos. En este artículo vamos a
Cloud technologies enable greater access to analytics. The shift to providing less complicated usability empowers decision-makers and offers a competitive advantage previously unattainable. Companies of all sizes and sectors embrace cloud technologies to address data and information challenges. IT departments are short-staffed and expected to support a large and varied