Discover how AI is used today and how it will augment human experience in the future
Crucially, this data not only needs to be standardised but also it needs to be actionable. By that, I mean this behavioural data needs.
Discover how AI is used today and how it will augment human experience in the future
Crucially, this data not only needs to be standardised but also it needs to be actionable. By that, I mean this behavioural data needs.
How can a solar farm ensure peak energy production? And what factors can be adjusted to optimize production throughout the day, the week and season-by-season? These are just some of the questions that a team of data scientists have asked and answered about the SAS solar farm using data, drones
Stuttgarter Zukunftssymposium - was werden Maschinen in Zukunft wirklich sein - Angst also vorbei?
Gespräch mit Johannes Fuhr über Bedeutung vom Netzwerken: Meetups sind Jobbörsen und Wissensvermittlung für Startups in einem.
Gespräch mit Helmut Linde von Merck über seine Meetup-Ambitionen. Helmut ist ein begehrter Gastredner in der Data Science Szene Rhein-Main.
One analysis suggests that in the first year of using process mining, the telecoms company had decreased its cost per process order by almost 40% and improved its productivity.
Stuttgarter Zukunftssymposium: Balance zwischen Ethik und Technologie kann vom Guten der KI überzeugen.
Johannes Fuhr erzählt von seinen Erfahrungen bei #Frankfurt #DataScience #Community als Vortragender. Danke Johannes!
앞으로 10년 뒤, 2030년에는 어떤 브랜드가 살아남아 성장을 지속할 수 있을까요? SAS와 글로벌 시장조사기관 퓨처럼 리서치(Futurum Research)는 SAS 애널리틱스 익스피리언스 2019에서 ‘2030년 고객 경험의 미래(Experience 2030: The Future of Customer Experience)’ 설문조사 보고서를 발표했습니다. 다니엘 뉴먼(Daniel Newman) 퓨처럼 리서치 수석분석가 겸 창립 파트너는 더 많은 권한을 갖게 된(empowered) 소비자가 새롭게
지난 10월 21일부터 23일까지 이탈리아 밀라노에서 열린 'SAS 애널리틱스 익스피리언스 2019(SAS Analytics Experience 2019)'에서는 SAS의 머신러닝, 컴퓨터 비전, 자연어처리 등 AI 기술을 기반으로 기업들이 어떻게 실제(real) 가치를 실현할 수 있는지 보여주는 다양한 사례들이 소개되었습니다. 특히 행사 둘째 날에는 짐 굿나잇 SAS CEO, 올리버 샤벤버거 SAS 수석부회장 겸 최고운영책임자(COO) & 최고기술책임자(CTO)의
지난 10월 21일부터 23일까지 이탈리아 혁신 기술의 중심지 밀라노에서는 유럽 최대 규모의 분석 컨퍼런스 ‘SAS 애널리틱스 익스피리언스 2019(SAS Analytics Experience 2019)’가 개최됐습니다. 3일간 밀라노 컨벤션 센터(Mico Milano Convention Centre)에서 진행된 올해 컨퍼런스에는 1,800명이 넘는 데이터 사이언티스트와 비즈니스 리더들이 모여 다양한 논의가 진행되었으며, 참석자들에게는 56개의 breakout 세션, 48개의 데모 부스, 그
Intelligence means learning from what has happened and using that to improve future choices.
There is much to consider about getting value from deploying AI and analytics at the edge to manage IoT data. Read more here.
„Die Kommunikation in Rhein Main ist wirklich schlecht. Weder die Startups reden untereinander noch die Firmen.“
It’s always worth trying to improve our world and if it can be done thanks to analytics - I can’t imagine a better use case.
Innovation comes in all shapes and sizes. Business value though, lies in translating ideas into production.
The public sector is finally changing. Artificial intelligence is gradually finding its way into its administrative structures.
According to the Price Waterhouse Cooper 2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey, the reported rate of economic crime is on the rise, up to 49% in 2018. That makes the use case I want to share particularly relevant, no matter what industry or sector you're in. This use case
Sabe o que está a causar defeitos nos produtos da sua fábrica? Sabe avaliar os prejuízos provocados por esses defeitos e que factores os influenciam? Sabe quais os parâmetros da máquina que têm maior influência na ocorrência desses mesmos defeitos? Estas são algumas das questões e dúvidas que muitas fábricas
I have a clear view on the potential of AI: the true value of AI lies in helping banks to know and understand their customers.
It’s imperative that banks embrace technology - driven changes, break down barriers to change and disrupt themselves digitally.
I suffer from arthritis. You can tell just by watching me walk: Depending on the day, I have a slight limp, which varies in severity based on a number of factors such as the time of day and recent physical activity. Years of treatment for my condition have shown me
How to address insurers' challenges by providing AI and machine learning to streamline a customer centric pricing process.
Edge computing allows businesses to handle thousands of data points and interactions rapidly and immediately, in real time.
The “last mile” is well known in telecommunications and supply chains. Now we face it in the analytical world as well. Read why!
SASChat - Innovation@scale on 14 November. A vivid twitter discussion on how innovation projects become revenue generating services.
Two pieces of advice stood out for me in Tom Siebel's book: re-educate your leadership team and pick your partners carefully.
Vivemos um tempo onde, quer nos sectores produtivos da nossa economia, quer em toda a área de prestação de serviços, se tem vindo a perspectivar a introdução de novas tecnologias de automatização de tarefas. Os avanços científicos e a maturidade de conhecimento que foram sendo alcançados num conjunto vasto de
Por Juan Sebastián Niño Customer Advisory Analytics SAS Colombia En Colombia, y probablemente en toda América Latina, existe un juego para niños llamado Policías y ladrones. Dentro del juego, un grupo de niños son los ladrones y el otro grupo son los policías. Mientras que los ladrones deben correr a
Estimations suggests that 65% of children entering primary school now will be doing jobs that do not yet exist.