Tag: viya

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
What is a CAS-enabled procedure?

I attended a seminar last week whose purpose was to inform SAS 9 programmers about SAS Viya. I could tell from the programmer's questions that some programmers were confused about three basic topics: What are the computing environments in Viya, and how should a programmer think about them? What procedures

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization | Programming Tips
Xavier Bizoux 0
Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery – Using Python and REST APIs for SAS Visual Analytics reports

With increasing interest in Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), many SAS Users want to know what can be done for Visual Analytics reports. In this article, I will explain how to use Python and SAS Viya REST APIs to extract a report from a SAS Viya environment and import it into another environment.

Gastbeitrag 0
SAS Viya trifft auf Open Source und Deep Learning

Wie lassen sich leistungsstarke Analytics und Open Source miteinander vereinbaren? Diese Frage beantwortet unser Gastautor Alexander Buchwald von der mayato® GmbH.   Open Source und kommerzielle Software waren nicht immer die besten Freunde. In Zeiten digitalen Wandels sind jedoch agile Softwareentwicklung und maximale Flexibilität gefragt. Darauf müssen sich Softwarehersteller jeder Couleur

SAS Administrators
Gerry Nelson 0
Where are my Viya files?

When working with files like SAS programs, images, documents, logs, etc., we are used to accessing them in operating system directories. In Viya, many of these files are not stored on the file-system. Let's look at where and how files are stored in Viya, and how to manage them.

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