"You show me a successful complex system, and I will show you a system that has evolved through trial and error." ~ Tim Harford TED Talk link: http://www.ted.com/talks/tim_harford Karl Marx died thinking that the first communist revolution would occur in Great Britain, driven by the long hours and unsafe
Tag: Visual Analytics
Once upon a time: Die Spielzeugindustrie hatte in der vergangenen Woche zum weltweit größten Branchenevent in Nürnberg eingeladen. Einem Ruf, dem mehr Aussteller als je zuvor folgten.Man kann auch überhaupt nur ein Fazit ziehen: Die Branche boomt. Gerade deutsche Einzelhändler können sich über ein durchweg positives Wachstum freuen. Dafür ist vor allem ein
Zwischen den Jahren hat man Zeit für Familie, Freunde und Hobbies. Dass eines meiner Hobbies "TV-Serien" ist, hat vielleicht mit den in meiner Kindheit beliebten Weihnachtsserien zu tun. (Mein Favorit: Jack Holborn. Kennen Sie die Serie noch?) Aber die Zeiten ändern sich und wir uns mit: Die ZDF-Produktion war gestern, heute lebe das
Flexibility and nimbleness are terms synonymous with small and mid-sized businesses. They have the ability to react quickly to changing market conditions as they are made aware of them. Traditionally these businesses have lived in the world of spreadsheets - and why not? They are easy to use, very affordable
The idea of "management by walking around" has been around for a while. First brought to prominence in Tom Peters and Robert Waterman’s best-seller In Search of Excellence, the concept is that managers get out of their offices and meet employees in their work areas to get a sense of how
We are in the age of big data. But just because modern software makes it easy to handle large data volumes, it's worth asking: do you always need all that data? In other words, if your analytics software can accommodate and even thrive in this big data environment, does that mean
Many vendors claim they have analytics, and a lot of users have embraced the belief that analytics is the way to go. But what does analytics really mean, especially to business users without statistics backgrounds, and how much do they need to know about analytics to be able to make
Perhaps nowhere is the saying “time is money” more true than in the construction industry. There is no better indicator of project cost and budget over/underrun than the number of days on-site. Reducing that number has a near 1:1 relationship with cost cutting, so it’s no wonder that days on-site
Volatility. It’s a business reality for energy market participants and it’s been a wild ride for the oil marketing business over the past few weeks. How has your energy risk data helped you navigate the recent increase in volatility and precipitous price drop? This month, we are launching a recurring
Visual analytics es una solución, que puede impactar los resultados de una compañía independientemente del tamaño. Según Sanjeev Aggarwal, socio de la consultora tecnológica SMB Group, esta solución es el futuro del análisis avanzado de datos para las empresas en crecimiento. Las hojas de cálculo y las herramientas de Business Intelligence tradicionales
Since my opening blog post about our new partnership with British Rowing and the GB Rowing Team, I’ve had a deep dive into their data, and we’re now close to our first key milestone – having all the data about a rower in a single location, so we can then
Imagine that you’re a large retail firm, in need of projecting sales for the next few months. With the right analytical solution, it can literally take just seconds to have a forecast in place. You drag and drop some variables and can figure out exactly which ones are underlying factors
Recently, I was reading an online article about predictive modeling and "big data." Its premise was to determine whether the use of big data actually led to more accurate and meaningful predictive models and forecasts. After citing numerous external examples and internal tests that the authors had compiled, it stated
Introduction Understanding the behavior of your customers is key to improving and maintaining revenue streams. It is a an important part when crafting successful marketing campaigns. With SAS Visual Analytics 7.1 you can analyze, explore and visualize user behavior, click paths and other event-based scenarios. Monitoring the customer journey by visualizing
We’re not sure about you, but we just had the most thrilling, suspenseful, and fun month we’ve had in a while. The 2014 FIFA World Cup may be over, but we’re still amazed by not only the game outcomes and level of athleticism, but also by the wealth of interesting
Data visualization tools are a great way to create impactful reports. A well designed report can give users an understanding of their data quickly and easily. And with tools like SAS® Visual Analytics, users can now quickly visualize and understand vast amounts of data. However, with all the visualization options
Visual analytics es una solución, que puede impactar los resultados de una compañía independientemente del tamaño. Según Sanjeev Aggarwal, socio de la consultora tecnológica SMB Group, Visual analytics es el futuro del análisis avanzado de datos para las empresas en crecimiento. Las hojas de cálculo y las herramientas de Business
I want to use SAS’ recent announcement of our Cost and Profitability Management solution as an opportunity to highlight an often overlooked but valuable application of activity-based costing: business process reengineering. But first, just a brief description of Cost and Profitability Management’s new breakthrough capability: In-memory model calculation. SAS’ decision
Wozu genau brauche ich eigentlich Big Data? Ach ja - stimmt - um meine Analysen zu verbessern. Und warum mache ich nochmal Analytik auf Big Data (Big Data Analytics)? Die Antwort ist noch viel einfacher: Von der akademischen Anwendungen vielleicht einmal abgesehen, ist das eigentliche Ziel die datenbasierte Entscheidungsfindung. Im privaten
How much of your business performance (profit) is driven by external factors versus internal? A figure of 85% compared to 15% was mentioned at last month’s Manufacturing Analytics Summit, and although I could not find the study mentioned to confirm, it feels about right to me. Certainly more than half,
Insights from decision trees and other basic analytic techniques show that you don’t always need complex analytics to solve business problems and add value. This was the message from Dr. James (Jim) Foster, Director of Research and Process Development, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), at last month’s inaugural IE Group ‘Manufacturing Analytics
Do you ever look at a chart or graph and think about what it’s really trying to reveal? All the time, right? Visualizations are useful because they allow us to analyze information much quicker than if we were to look at the raw data by itself. I say this with
Lesen Sie jetzt exklusiv: Die Geheimnisse von Visual Analytics - Teil 1: die eigenen Produkte bei Amazon, Ebay und Co. suchen mit VA. Ich war schon immer ein Spielkind. Vielleicht lag es daran, dass mein Opa Automechaniker war und ich schon als 3-Jähriger wusste, was ein 17er Schlüssel ist. Vielleicht ist
I'm an avid Star Wars fan, and am cautiously optimistic about what J.J. Abrams intends to do in Star Wars VII. The cast for the movie was revealed earlier this week, and today is May the Fourth, an unofficial Star Wars holiday. You might be asking yourself what any of
So und nichts anders: Datenanalyse zur Vorbereitung der Entscheidungsfindung ist ein Spezialistenthema. Das muss ausschließlich den Profis überlassen werden. Daten in den Händen unbedarfter Fachanwender – vielleicht noch ohne IT- und Statistikwissen – sind gefährlich. Wenn Sie auch dieser Meinung sind, dann lesen Sie bitte nicht weiter!
¿Alguna vez ha imaginado una nave roja futurista que aterrizó en medio del desierto? Así es como se ve el mayor tejado de aluminio pre revestido del mundo: El parque temático cubierto Ferrari World en Abu Dabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Ahora fíjese en la extraordinaria resistencia del color en este techo
Demand for analytics is at an all-time high. Monster.com has rated SAS as the number one skill to have to increase your salary and Harvard Business Review continues to highlight why the data scientist is the sexiest job of the 21st century. It is clear that if you want to be
Hoy en día la visualización de datos está siendo el tema central cuando hablamos de big data, analítica e inteligencia de negocios. El tamaño, la velocidad y la variedad de sus datos están creciendo cada vez más rápido, y el mundo del análisis avanzado está cambiando, ¡su compañía no se
Imagine you're a business analyst who just discovered a pattern or trend that could significantly help your organization. What do you do next? You share it. Using SAS® Visual Analytics, you've published your results to the Web and mobile device before, but this time you'd rather work with your findings in
From Gartner to IDC to the trade press, the watchwords in the supply chain for rest of this decade appear to be “resiliency” and “responsiveness”. It’s not going to be about promotion-based pull-through, and it’s most definitely not going to be about channel incentive-based push-through. What it’s going to be