Tag: utilities

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Olivia Ojeda 0
A conversation with Rijkswaterstaat: How SAS is helping keep the Netherlands waterways safe

Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) is the Netherlands main agency for design, construction, management and maintenance for waterways and infrastructure. Their mission is to promote safety, mobility and quality of life in the Netherlands. They are the masterminds behind some of the most prestigious water projects in the world. In a recent panel

Philip Jones 0
A unique partnership helps identify unmet needs in the energy and utilities industry

Utilities all over the country are facing multiple disruptions, from climate change to distributed energy generation to a growing need to embrace digital transformation. These challenges are more pronounced for midsize public power utilities, which are community-owned, not-for-profit and often more vulnerable to economic challenges than investor-owned utilities. As new

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Mike F. Smith 0
Utility analytics in 2017: Aligning data and analytics with business strategy

Regulations, corporate drivers, leadership and market influences have combined to produce a patchwork of uneven progress on initiatives such as distributed generation, customer choice, asset optimization and the industrial Internet of Things. These initiatives all rely on analytics to gain the most return on investment. To better understand organizational readiness

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Ian Jones 0
No data scientist? No analytics platform? No problem.

“Analytics” and “data scientist” aren’t new terms, but they are trending buzzwords. The popularity of these concepts has created a false impression: Analytics are mysterious abstractions that can only be decoded if you have a white lab coat and an advanced degree in computer science. The reality couldn’t be more different.

Internet of Things
David Pope 0
An IoT-enabled fun weekend

The buzz about the Internet of Things (IoT) combined with the insights derived from analytics appears to be hotter than ever.  What's interesting to me is how many people go about their lives without knowing what the IoT is and how they're already benefitting from it (or how their jobs