Tag: utilities

David Pope 0
What do crime shows and data science have in common?

I enjoy watching TV crime series like Law and Order, Crime Series Investigation (CSI), CriminalMinds, Numb3rs, Person of Interest, as well as real-life mystery stories on shows like 20/20 and others. Obviously, the popularity of these types of shows means I'm not the only one who enjoys this type of entertainment. Here at SAS,

Alyssa Farrell 0
Reaching the new energy consumer

Whether it’s to reduce churn in competitive markets or to elevate customer satisfaction rankings in regulated markets, customer analytics is hot right now in utilities. However, the complexity that utilities have built into their processes and technologies over the past decades makes customer analytics a more challenging issue to tackle

David Pope 0
Why analytics is better than simple if-then business rules

What's the differences between predictive analytics and basic reporting? Predictive analytics provides insight about what will happen in the future. Basic reporting only looks at past performance. Why is this difference difficult to grasp? It's partly because transitioning to predictive analytics requires change. And most people don't embrace change. Take

David Pope 0
What is your perception of SAS?

Our perceptions can impact others and influence decisions.  As a result, I always like to understand each customer's perception of what SAS is and what we do. There is no right or wrong answer to this question, however the response provides me with a chance to listen to our customers.

Alyssa Farrell 0
Power it on: The smart grid is ready!

"Big data" is a big deal for electric utilities.  In a smart power grid, when you turn on the lights, you're generating data. When your neighbor plugs in his electric vehicle, he's generating data. When a heat wave causes retailers to crank up the air conditioning, they're generating data. All

David Pope 0
Analytics, the ultimate renewable resource

The value of analytics to solve multiple business problems really makes analytics the ultimate reusable business investment, or as they say in the energy industry, it may be called a renewable resource. As I've commented before, organizations spend billions of dollars on storing data, and unless you happen to be a

Alyssa Farrell 0
Experts discuss value of energy analytics

How often do you question the availability of power? Outside of weather events, the answer is probably, “not much.” But what if you have an electric vehicle?  Or manage a data center?  Rely on either of those technologies and you might consider electricity as a constraint, around which you plan

Bill Coleman 0
What can asset management do for utilities?

Water and wastewater treatment plants are among the most complex facilities built and maintained by utility companies, whether public or private. Each facility contains thousands of pieces of equipment worth millions of dollars that must operate in concert for the many complex treatment processes to function effectively.  The consequences of these assets