SAS ViyaではCData JDBC Driverを使って下記のソーシャルメディア・ファイルストレージサービスにシームレスにかつ、素早く連結できます。 ・Facebook ・Google Analytics ・Google Drive ・Microsoft OneDrive ・Odata ・Twitter ・YouTube Analytics 本日はCData JDBCドライバーを使ってTwitterと連携し、「天気」に関するツイートを取得してみたいと思います。順番通り説明しますので、最後までお読みいただき、皆さんも是非ご活用ください。 1. Twitter API利用申請 Twitter Developer PlatformにてTwitter APIの利用申請を行います。申請にあたり、名前と住んでいる地域、利用目的などの情報を提供する必要がありますので、事前に用意しておいてください。また、利用申請の承認はTwitter側で数日かかる場合がありますのでご了承ください。 Twitter APIの利用申請が終わったら、申請完了のメールが届きます。 また、申請の検討が終わり、Twitter APIが利用できる状態になりましたら、「Account Application Approved」というメールが届きます。 2. CData Twitter JDBC Driverインストール インストールにはSASの契約とは別途、CData社との契約が必要ですが、30日間トライアルで使うことも可能ですので、ご紹介します。 まず、CData Twitter JDBC Driverインストールページにアクセスします。 次に、Downloadクリックします。 Download Trialをクリックします。 適切なOSを選択してDownloadをクリックします。今回はWindowsを選択しました。 ダウンロードされたTwitterJDBCDriver.exeファイルを開き、画面に表示されるステップに従ってインストールを完了します。 3. Connection String生成
Tag: Twitter
I saw an article that claimed Donald Trump recently tweeted 123 times in one day. This got me wondering how many times he typically tweets during a day, and whether this number has changed over the years. This seems like it might be a good topic to analyze with a
Analyzing tweets is challenging because of their succinctness (max 280 characters). However, that task is facilitated by the powerful features of SAS Visual Text Analytics (VTA), which includes embedded machine learning algorithms.
My favorite tech influencers teach, ask questions and share their knowledge freely. They value quality over quantity, and they engage with each other authentically. My goals on social media are to learn, engage with the world socially, and to share what I think is cool – sometimes this is about
Unless you live under a rock, you've probably seen news reports that Russian trolls have been posting on social media to allegedly conduct "what they called information warfare against the United States, with the stated goal of spreading distrust toward the candidates and the political system in general," according to
Since Trump became the US president, many people have noticed that he posts a lot of tweets. While some people choose to analyze and critique the content of those tweets, I was more curious about something a little less controversial - the timing and frequency. Follow along as I dig into
@philsimon says that old stalwarts sometimes just don't cut it.
.@philsimon continues his series on data prep and anlytics.
The way your graph looks can make all the difference ... two people can graph the exact same data in essentially the same way, but one of the two graphs can be perceived as much better than the other. Hopefully reading my blogs will help you create the better graph!
Disclaimer: before you get overly excited, PROC EXPAT is not really an actual SAS procedure. Sadly, it will not transfer or translate your code based on location. But it does represent SAS’ expansion of the Customer Contact Center, and that’s good news for our users. Here’s the story behind my
.@philsimon on what's next for MDM applications.
.@philsimon on the collision between the two.
.@philsimon asks some fundamental questions about taking the next step with #bigdata.
.@philsimon on the need to play offense and defense with your organization's data.
.@philsimon on bridging the IT-business divide once and for all.
.@philsimon on the new role of IT.
One of our customers asked if I could show him how to reproduce a stickman graph that David McCandless (ala, Information is Beautiful) had created - see screen capture below. I'm not sure that it's the best kind of graph for the occasion, but of course SAS can be used
It's that time of year: Awards season. While we on the SAS Social Media Team will be happily following along this Sunday for the 87th Annual Academy Awards (via Twitter, naturally), we thought it only appropriate to use this as a time to celebrate our customers in social from 2014. From
.@philsimon on the reliability of social numbers.
"Big data isn't useful for investment purposes." So said my friend Walt during one of our recent arguments discussions. By way of background, Walt is not an über-successful 70-year-old investor who earned his chops well before the advents of Twitter, Facebook and their ilk. Rather, he's a man of a similar age to
A super hot topic in most organizations is how to make the most of the troves of social data available. This Post-It Note author isn't specific about the SAS solution that is being used, so I'm going to speculate that he or she is taking advantage of SAS Text Miner, SAS Text
Update 24Nov2015: The methods in this post no longer work for Twitter, as Twitter has discontinued support for its "share count" API that was used within the Twitter share buttons. But the Facebook method still works, and I've described a method for counting LinkedIn shares on another post. As of
Chris Hemedinger, author of the SAS Dummy blog, read last week's Innovation Inspiration post and was reminded of a couple of cool things he'd seen SAS users do. He also told me of one of his most recent rock star moments. (In all fairness to Hemedinger, he didn't call his
This morning I delivered a talk to visiting high school students at the SAS campus. The topic: using SAS to analyze Twitter content. Being teenagers, high school students are well familiar with Twitter. But this batch of students was also very familiar with SAS, as they all have taken SAS
While talking to fellow SAS users at SAS Global Forum 2011 this week, I'll be discussing how SAS programmers can "play" with social media data that they can access on Facebook and Twitter. I always refer people to my blog for more information, and so I've prepared this blog post
"Twitter, thou art nought but data." So sayeth the SAS programmer. Many data analysts now recognize Twitter for what it is: a tremendous source of data covering almost any topic, from Justin Bieber's hair to political uprisings to technical conferences to company brands. SAS offers sophisticated solutions to harness this
I believe I would have interviewed AnnMaria De Mars even if you hadn't sent me scads of e-mails and tweets suggesting her as a perfect candidate for the SAS Rock Stars series. I "met" AnnMaria when I started looking for SAS users on Twitter – nearly three years ago while
I've never met Sy Truong face-to-face. (That will be one of the top items on my SAS Global Forum 2011 to-dos.) I’ve talked with him on Twitter and enjoyed his blog so much that I listed it in an edition of the SAS Tech Report. I’ve even talked with him
Social media is all the rage at this year’s SAS Global Forum. There’s a “Twitter Wall” outside the demo area featuring a steady stream of tweets about the conference. (The hashtag for this year’s event is #sgf10.) Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Jim Davis (@Davis_Jim) sent his second-ever