Tag: analytics

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
John Stultz 0
What can agencies learn from massive Medicaid fraud busts?

On June 22nd, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the largest Medicaid fraud bust in history. The National Health Care Fraud Takedown included 301 defendants charged, $900 million in false billings, 61 medical professionals and 29 doctors, across 36 states. In another case, investigators in New York uncovered more than

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Why analytical models are better with better data

Most enterprises employ multiple analytical models in their business intelligence applications and decision-making processes. These analytical models include descriptive analytics that help the organization understand what has happened and what is happening now, predictive analytics that determine the probability of what will happen next, and prescriptive analytics that focus on

Carl Farrell 0
Always Open

Open. The very word evokes a sense of happiness and possibility. When you’re hungry at an odd hour and everything around you seems to be closed, that lone neon sign glowing in a restaurant window is a most welcome relief. When a shop or service you’ve longed for finally builds

John Green 0
Not your father’s IT Department

Today’s IT department isn’t your grandfather’s IT department. It’s not even your father’s IT department. When people talk about Information Technology Departments of the past, it's usually broken into three distinct periods: The Mainframe; PCs; the Internet/post PC. The IT department was seen as the hardware support arm of an

Analytics | Students & Educators
Georgia Mariani 0
ESSA – accountability, indicators and analytics to drive informed decision making

Last December, The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law to ensure opportunity for all students in the United States. As part of this federal legislation, states now have the flexibility to design their own accountability systems following certain parameters outlined in ESSA. These accountability systems include academic and non-academic indicators. By

Adam Hughes 0
The problem with analytics

At SAS, we use terms like “machine learning,” “predictive modeling” and, of course, “analytics” quite a bit in our day-to-day business. Not surprising, given that we're the largest analytical software vendor out there. But have you noticed that these terms are popping up more frequently in news articles and blogs?

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