Neil Harbisson is completely colour-blind. He sees the world in greyscale. But that does not mean that Neil does not experience colour. Since 2004, he has worn an electronic ‘eye’ that turns the colours into sounds by wavelength. He now experiences the world as a series of tones. He dresses
Tag: data scientist
Wie versprochen beginnt heute eine kleine Blog-Reihe, in der ich ganz konkret Studiengänge zum Thema Data Science vorstellen möchte. Meine Quellen sind dabei nicht nur die reine Web-Recherche, sondern auch persönliche Gespräche mit Dozenten oder Studenten der jeweiligen Hochschulen. Ich erhebe keinerlei Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, im Gegenteil, jeder Hinweis, Kommentar
1901 prognostizierte Gottlieb Daimler: „Die weltweite Nachfrage nach Kraftfahrzeugen wird eine Million nicht überschreiten – allein schon aus Mangel an verfügbaren Chauffeuren." Heute fahren die meisten selber und das selbstfahrende Auto scheint auch greifbar nah. Chauffeure braucht heute kein Mensch mehr. Wie sieht das, bei immer mehr Self-Service-Analytics und Machine
Emma Warrillow, President of Data Insight Group, Inc., believes analysts add business value when they ask questions of the business, the data and the approach. “Don’t be an order taker,” she said. Warrillow held to her promise that attendees wouldn’t see a stitch of SAS programming code in her session
Ach, dieses ewige Big-Data-Gerede … alles nur Marketing, oder ist da vielleicht doch etwas dran? Brauche ich das als Absolvent auf Jobsuche? Und wenn ja, wo wird denn so etwas angeboten? Blickt da jemand überhaupt noch durch? Klar, ich! Es sind spannende Zeiten, denn es ist nicht mehr zu leugnen:
Unendliche Weiten … nein, heute meine ich damit mal nicht das gute alte Raumschiff Enterprise (übrigens 50-jähriges Jubiläum), sondern die Möglichkeiten, die sich einem auftun, wenn man bereit ist, sich auf etwas Neues einzulassen. Eigentlich ist das ziemlich einfach: Man schaut sich bei Leuten um, die aus einer vollkommen anderen
This year’s Polish SAS Forum conference gathered more than 900 enthusiasts of the use of analytics for the generation of innovation. The business session in the Customer Intelligence domain was focused on the methods of meeting the challenge of maximization of revenue while keeping the customers satisfied. Market leaders highlighted
Kennen Sie diese Situation? Sie sollen dringend eine komplexe Auswertung fertig stellen. Die Daten wurden zu spät geliefert und die Qualität und Struktur der Daten waren weit vom erwarteten Standard entfernt. Der Zeitdruck der Ergebnispräsentation ist groß, und Ihr SAS Programm tut immer noch nicht genau das, was Sie als
Regardless of the industry and the company size, companies today have access to a huge amount of data. In order to convert this Big Data into useful insights, analytics strategies aligned with business objectives are required, supported by technology, commitment of the top management and a cultural shift that involves the entire organization. A
Analytics, statistics, operations research, data science and machine learning - with which term do you prefer associate? Are you from the House of Capulet or Montague, or do you even care? Shakespeare's Juliet derides excess identification with names in the famous play, Romeo and Juliet. "What's in a name? That which we call
Citizen Data Scientist : WIR BRAUCHEN EUCH! Und das Warum erzähle ich in diesem Blog. Erster Test: Wussten Sie, dass das Alter der Miss America mit der Anzahl der Morde durch heißen Dampf und heiße Gegenstände korreliert? Oder dass die Storchenpopulation mit der Geburtenrate zusammenhängt?
"I've seen the future of data science, and it is filled with estrogen!" This was the opening remark at a recent talk I heard. If only I'd seen that vision of the future when I was in college. You see, I’ve always loved math (and still do). My first calculus
Liz Maria Muller Junior ist aktiv im Netz unterwegs, dort vernetzt und meinungsbildend. Ihre Meinungen schätzen ihre „Follower“; das hat „ihr Data Scientist“ schon rausgefunden und ihr das Attribut „Influencer“ verpasst. Nach vielem Abmühen in seiner neuen Hadoop-Sandbox macht das ihren Data Scientist ein bisschen stolz: Eine wertvolle Neukundin wäre
Neben dem 40 jährigen Gründungsjubiläum der Software Firma SAS gibt es 2016 auch das 20 jährige KSFE - Jubiläum der Kooperation der SAS Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung zu feiern, und zwar in der ältesten Universität Schwedens.
It is said that everything is big in Texas, and that includes big data. During my recent trip to Austin I had the privilege of being a judge in the final round of the Texata Big Data World Championship, a fantastic example of big data competitions. It felt fitting that
On the first day of Big Data Analytics my colleagues sent to me: A data scientist discussing a decision tree On the second day of Big Data Analytics my colleagues sent to me: Two business analysts and A data scientist discussing a decision tree On the third day of Big Data Analytics my
Ok, so the title is a little provocative, but some people are dubious that data science training is even possible, because they believe data science entails skills one can learn only on the job and not in a classroom. I am not in that camp, although I do believe that data
El big data analytics es el motor de la economía de la información… pero para entregar el máximo valor de los datos, las organizaciones no sólo necesitan tener las herramientas adecuadas, también necesitan tener a los mejores profesionales. En ese sentido, SAS realizó recientemente una encuesta para explorar cuál es
If I were to believe the feedback I get, statisticians are among the most difficult people to work with. What’s more, they’re the only group that should be allowed to work in data analytics. It sounds harsh, but this may explain why big data projects continually fail. Businesses need statisticians who are both
Along with the data scientist hype, analytics and the people who make them work have found themselves in the spotlight. The trend has also put an emphasis on the "science" aspects of analysis, such as a data focus, statistical rigor, controlled experiments and the like. Now, I’m not at all against adding more
Right now I’m crossing the Pacific toward Australia and New Zealand for the 21st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (a.k.a. KDD), a Data Science Melbourne MeetUp, and the SAS Users of New Zealand conference. New Zealand is the birthplace of open source R. So this trip
One of the most important skills for data scientists and business analytical professionals is communications. If decision makers and managers don't understand what the numbers mean -- results won't turn into action. Jeff Zeanah, President of Z Solutions, Inc. has been presenting on the topic of speaking “analytics” for many
The insurance industry is heading for a crisis. Depending on which report you read the insurance industry is facing a shortfall in job vacancy from anything from 40,000 to nearly half million in the next few years. Baby boomers in specialized jobs like underwriters and claims adjusters are retiring and insurers
How do we hire data scientists at SAS, since we are not unique in our search for a rare talent type that continues to be in high demand? This post is the last in a series on finding data scientists, based on best practices at SAS and illustrated with some
Well OK, so there is an "i" in science, but being a data scientist is certainly not a lonesome job. Engagement with other team members is essential with data analytics work, so you never really work in isolation. Without the rest of the team, we would fail to ask all
I read an interesting article recently that suggested analyst and data scientist job positions may be on the way out. The author argued that analytics are being incorporated more and more heavily into operational systems, making “analytic capabilities” more readily accessible to business users without the involvement of a data scientist. Being a data
“Begin with the end in mind” - Habit #2 from Stephen Covey’s ‘Highly Effective People’. The Edge Foundation is based on the premise of: “To arrive at the edge of the world's knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them
As a data scientist, I have the rare privilege of possessing the job title that Tom Davenport and others have dubbed the sexiest job in the 21st Century. As this popular job title catches on, I’ve even noticed a trend where customers make direct requests for help specifically from “the data
“Dear Cat, I got an email from my IT department that says: [We are nearing capacity on the Flotsam Drive. Please clear data from any folders you are no longer using so we can save disk space. Thanks, The IT Department] Doesn’t this strike you as a bit old-fashioned? I
Because finding analytical talent continues to be a challenge for most, here I offer tips 5, 6, and 7 of my ten tips for finding data scientists, based on best practices at SAS and illustrated with some of our own “unicorns.” You can read my first blog post for why they