.@philsimon on an important question.
Tag: big data
For a long time, master data management (MDM) practitioners boasted about their ability to build a 360° view of customers by aggregating and proactively managing information coming from various business applications such as CRM systems, ERP applications, and other operational systems. But was it really a 360° view? What about

El costo de no ser relevante en el mercado puede ser la pérdida de un cliente. Los clientes esperan interacciones personalizadas y las organizaciones deben tener en cuenta que, factores como la calidad del producto, la facilidad y velocidad de adquisición, ya no son suficientes. Entonces, ¿cuál es el siguiente

Well, Analytic Hospitality Executives, the year has once again flown by, and here we sit just before the holidays looking back on 2014, and figuring out what it all means for 2015. I traveled even more than usual this year (if that’s even possible), spending a significant amount of time

Flexibility and nimbleness are terms synonymous with small and mid-sized businesses. They have the ability to react quickly to changing market conditions as they are made aware of them. Traditionally these businesses have lived in the world of spreadsheets - and why not? They are easy to use, very affordable

Every time I pick up a new article about analytics, I am always disappointed by the fact that I cannot find any specifics mentioned about back-end processing. It is no secret that every vendor wishes they had the latest and greatest parallel processing capabilities, but the truth is that many
Data. It's everywhere. It can reside in many places through replication, accessibility needs or infrastructure costs. For reporting, that same data can be structurally changed (denormalized or aggregated) into additional reporting and analytic data repositories. Over time, new sources of enrichment of that data become available through traditional data sources

The first sensors appeared many decades ago, and have been around for quite some time in various forms, even though they’ve really only entered the popular vocabulary over the past few years thanks to the Internet of Things. How do sensors work? A sensor detects events, or changes in quantities, and

The idea of "management by walking around" has been around for a while. First brought to prominence in Tom Peters and Robert Waterman’s best-seller In Search of Excellence, the concept is that managers get out of their offices and meet employees in their work areas to get a sense of how
Last week, I spoke to Suneel Grover, senior solutions architect for digital intelligence at SAS, about how better data and integration can drive improvements in web analytics. This week I wanted to see how this could be applied for a hospitality company. We decided to tackle a frequently debated topic in

Getting universal buy in for Hadoop needn’t be an uphill struggle. In many cases, it only takes one pilot project to realize the benefits of low cost storage combined with powerful analytics. The Hadoop topic provoked passionate conversatoin at a recent roundtable discussion attended by over 25 people from a range

La grandeza de sus datos probablemente no es la característica más importante. De hecho, puede que ni siquiera figure dentro de los aspectos relevantes por los cuales usted debería preocuparse. La calidad, la integración de los silos, la manipulación y la extracción de valor de los datos no estructurados siguen

There’s a lot of talk about modernizing hospitality marketing – and most of it is dependent on finally cracking the nut between online and offline guest data and bringing predictive analytics to play. But there is a fundamental problem hampering our ability to do this and it starts with how hospitality

As 2014 slowly winds down it’s time to gear up for the holiday shopping rush. As in recent years the Consumer Electronics Association reports tech gifts will again be high on everyone’s list this holiday shopping season. A new addition to the list this year are numerous Internet of Things

The bigness of your data is likely not its most important characteristic. In fact, it probably doesn’t even rank among the Top 3 most important data issues you have to deal with. Data quality, the integration of data silos, and handling and extracting value from unstructured data are still the most
Data. Our industry really loves that word, making it seem like the whole world revolves around it. We certainly enjoy revolving a lot of words around it. We put words like master, big, and meta before it, and words like management, quality, and governance after it. This spins out disciplines
Having worked in analytics for over 25 years, I’ve never really felt part of the ‘cool gang’. However that’s changing and all of a sudden, at long last, it is "chic to be geek!" Research published by SAS UK and the Tech Partnership reveals that from 2013 to 2020, the

For many industries, big data analytics have opened numerous doors for more employees to be groundbreaking and to challenge the corporate status quo. Prior to big data technologies, risk taking behaviors were primarily reserved for provocative souls who stretched organizational boundaries to disrupt industries, such as airline revenue management. There were winners and losers
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the INFORMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco. For those of you not familiar with this organization or conference, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is the largest society in the world for professionals in the field of operations
Hadoop recently turned eight years old, but it was only 3-4 years ago that Hadoop really started gaining traction. It had many of us “older” BI/DW folks scratching our heads wondering what Hadoop was up to and if our tried-and-true enterprise data warehouse (EDW) ecosystems were in jeopardy. You didn't
Big data is of no use unless you can turn it into information and insight. For that you need big analytics. Every piece of the analytics cycle has been impacted by big data, from reporting, with the need to quickly render reports from billions of rows of data, through advanced

¿Tiene datos muertos que se convierten en irrelevantes o no confiables? ¿Le pasa que los datos que extrae por lo general crean confusión en los informes y hacen difícil la toma de decisiones? Si la respuesta es sí y usted está viviendo alguna de estas situaciones en su empresa, es

There are times when I harken back to the classic television show M.A.S.H. For those of you too young to remember, the story centered around a mobile Army surgical hospital in the midst of the conflict in the Korean peninsula. While they weren't the first people to see the patient, the unit
By infusing analytics through every phase of the guest journey, hotel managers can help shore up the complicated balance between the guest experience and revenue and profit responsibilities – delivering memorable and personalized guest experiences, while maximizing revenue and profits. To accomplish this, hotels need to be able to collect,

Data has value IF you can analyze it, said participants at a big data analytics roundtable at the Premier Business Leadership Series in Las Vegas. In attendance were executives from some of the largest Communications companies in the world including from the US, Canada, Turkey, Japan, Australia and the Philippines as well

With big data, data governance challenges escalate in many ways: The diversity of data sources means that there are minimal standards for data structure, definition, semantics and content. The lack of control over data production means that you can’t enforce data quality at the source as you can do with

En un momento en el que el boom del Big Data se está enfocando en la tecnología y en las grandes oportunidades que crea, es posible que se le esté prestando poca atención a la forma en la que las grandes cantidades de información que se generan a diario, están

When legendary travelling folk singer-songwriter Woody Guthrie summarized his approach to organizing workers, he said, “Take it easy, but take it.” Wise words to ponder in any case, but certainly whenever we put big data on the back burner to talk statistics instead. In the context of Big Data, I

In recent times, Britain has increasingly developed an "inquiry culture." Whenever there’s malpractice or a scandal – be it the Leveson inquiry or the recent investigation into the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust – an inquiry serves to give citizens, public leaders and governing bodies an explanation of how and

At a recent MESA - Hollywood IT Society Digital Marketing conference, Claudio Ludovisi, SVP, Operational Strategy NBCU Entertainment for Marketing & Digital took a live poll of about 200 or so media marketing executives in the audience and asked them to “Think about what it takes to achieve true multiplatform