Tag: big data

Data Management
Stuart Rose 0
Welcome to “data-driven decisions”

Business analytics is about dramatically improving the way an organization makes decisions, conducts business and successfully competes in the marketplace. At the heart of business analytics is data.  Historically, the philosophy of many insurers has been on collecting data, data and more data. However, even with all this data, many

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Crowdsourcing data improvement: Part 3

In this blog series, I am exploring if it’s wise to crowdsource data improvement, and if the power of the crowd can enable organizations to incorporate better enterprise data quality practices. In Part 1, I provided a high-level definition of crowdsourcing and explained that while it can be applied to a wide range of projects

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Crowdsourcing data improvement: Part 2

In this blog series, I am exploring if it’s wise to crowdsource data improvement, and if the power of the crowd can enable organizations to incorporate better enterprise data quality practices. In Part 1, I provided a high-level definition of crowdsourcing and explained that while it can be applied to a wide range of projects

Internet of Things
Michael Thomas 0
Reality++ fueled by IoT

It's an exciting time for reality! We've been technologically enhancing reality for a long time -- eye glasses, telescopes, binoculars, microscopes, photography, moving pictures, live streaming video over the Internet, etc. But whether it's augmented reality, virtual reality or somewhere in between, a new wave of eye wear technology is

Data Management
Helmut Plinke 0
Big data quality

Utilizing big data analytics is currently one of the most promising strategies for businesses to gain competitive advantage and ensure future growth. But as we saw with “small data analytics,” the success of “big data analytics” relies heavily on the quality of its source data. In fact, when combining “small” and “big” data

SAS Colombia 0
Tres tips para innovar con Big Data

No es un secreto que las empresas están aplicando cada vez más soluciones de Big Data para tomar las decisiones de negocio adecuadas. Sin embargo, corren el riesgo de caer en prácticas monótonas por desconocimiento y por no atreverse a usar nuevas estrategias que, en muchos casos, podrían evitarles riesgos

David Pope 0
Rudolf the red nosed Bayesian network?

As a follow-up to my previous Christmas blog post, Twas the night before big data,  I give you ... Bayesian network, the directed acyclic graphical (DAG) model ( yeah, yeah, I know it doesn’t quite have the same ring as last year’s title, but you'll recognize the tune) You know Linear and

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