A big thank you to EVERYONE for your contribution to the success of SAS Global Forum 2011. You all came together – presenters, volunteers, mentors, first-timers, repeat attendees and SAS – to help make this year’s conference a “don't miss” event! Special thanks go out to Debbie Buck, this year’s

In a previous blog post about computing confidence intervals for rankings, I inadvertently used the VAR function in SAS/IML 9.22, without providing equivalent functionality for those readers who are running an earlier version of SAS/IML software. (Thanks to Eric for pointing this out.) If you are using a version of
Now that I’m finally adjusted to the three-hour time difference from my home, it’s time to head back to SAS World Headquaters in Cary. What a terrific conference this has been! In case you didn’t catch it all, or were unable to make it to Vegas this year, be sure
~Contributed by Becky Graebe, SAS Communications Manager~ Did you know that you could save and export one, some or all of your keyboard macros/abbreviations in one simple operation? sasCommunity.org users do, thanks to today’s Tip of the Day, submitted by Arthur Tabachneck (better known as Art297 on the site). The
In her paper presentation "Using SAS® Enterprise Guide® to Provide Water and Conserve Electricity for SAS® Global Forum Attendees" Cecelia Adair, Senior Operations Support Manager for the Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD), explained how the LVVWD uses SAS® software to manage and maintain water and energy usage in Clark

Contributed by Bill Roehl, Data Geek at Capella University (@garciasn) Analysts love raw data and end-users love to see that same data displayed in beautiful charts and pictures with exciting color. Dr. Danni Bayn, a Research Analyst at Capella University in Minneapolis, provides a drop-in method for SAS users to
~Contributed by Elizabeth Ceranowski~ Yesterday, I posted about the 23 papers being presented by students at SAS Global Forum. I am happy to report that 14 students presented yesterday, and all of them did a wonderful job! In addition to presenting, the students have been meeting other users, which has

~Contributed by Philip Busby, Applications Developer at SAS (@Philihp)~ My mind was blown just now at Paul Gorrell's talk on numeric values within SAS. The nice thing that hooks new programmers to SAS is how easy it is to do so many things, but what I find really makes a
Critical Information: 8:30 - 11:30 PM tonight SAS Global Forum Attendees and guests ONLY Drink tickets given at the door Tonight, ultralounge and Las Vegas behemoth, PURE Nightclub opens its doors to SAS Global Forum 2011...and guess what? THERE'S NO LINE! (Ok, maybe a small line). Join us for what

JMP founder John Sall talks about the new, exciting features in JMP 9 and why he likes to attend SAS Global Forum.
Anna Brown interviews Stu Bradley, Director of Financial Crimes Practice with SAS about the many different industries that utilize fraud solutions.
~Contributed by Debbie Buck, SAS Global Forum Conference Chair~ Today is the last full day of SAS® Global Forum 2011. Every year, I’m amazed at how quickly the days go by. I hope you’re enjoying the conference as much as I am. I want to thank you for attending and

When comparing scores from different subjects, it is often useful to rank the subjects. A rank is the order of a subject when the associated score is listed in ascending order. I've written a few articles about the importance of including confidence intervals when you display rankings, but I haven't
~Contributed by Varsha Chawla, SAS~ What could a business analyst possibly like better than understanding the data in a database? Try understanding the metadata (data about data) and knowing how to access this in an ORACLE database. According to Carole Jesse, Senior SAS Analyst at Prime Therapeutics, databases have their

Contributed by Kirsten Hamstra, SAS Social Media Manager Prolific blogger and author of SAS for Dummies Chris Hemedinger knows maybe a little too much about his Facebook friends. Presenting his paper titled “Social Networking and SAS: Running PROCs on your Facebook Friends,” Chris shared basic techniques to analyze your friends
~Contributed by Elizabeth Ceranowski~ If you have ever visited SAS headquarters or if you work in Cary, you know that the speed limit on campus is 23 mph. This week the number 23 has taken on a new meaning. There are 23 papers being presented by students at SAS Global
Contributed by Karen Lee and Kim Darnofall, SAS Communications Thirty-five years ago, SAS changed the world of computing when it opened its doors for business in Raleigh, North Carolina. A lot has happened in 35 years, but one thing remains the same: SAS is still changing the world of computing,
~Contributed by Karen Lee, SAS Communications Director~ Open. In one word, that is how I would describe the communication environment at SAS Global Forum. Wide open. This is an amazing time for communication. For a long time, the only way attendees could find out what was happening at SAS Global
There are quite a few first timers at SAS Global Forum 2011, and I’m one of them. As a first timer, it can be tricky to navigate all of the opportunities that are available, but the First Timers’ Session, held earlier Monday, helped to plot ways for first timers to

The federal government is more aggressively pursuing health care fraud, and helping the states do the same, by proposing funding changes and investing in new technologies. A newly proposed rule would allow 90% Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for data mining initiatives in state Medicaid Fraud Control Units (MFCU’s). Another proposed
Contributed by Debbie Buck, SAS Global Forum Conference Chair SAS users from around the world are in Las Vegas this week for SAS Global Forum. Attendees are continuing to register, but the official count as of last night was 3,335 of whom 25% are here from outside the US. Why
~Contributed by Stacy Hobson, Director of Customer Retention, SAS~ While you are at the SAS Support and Demo Area, watch for the red vests. You are going to want to meet the SAS Customer Loyalty team wearing them, as they will have a wealth of resources available to you. The

Suppose that friendship is a 2-way relationship: Either two people are friends with each other, or they are not. (By this definition, X cannot be a friend of Y if Y is not a friend of X. Also, you cannot be a friend of yourself -- no matter how attractive
Contributed by Vince DelGobbo, SAS R&D Software Developer Rule #1: Keep your money in your pocket or your purse. With that settled, we can move on to more important matters. One key to success at SAS Global Forum is to be organized. Before you get to Vegas, spend some time
Yesterday I was in the Big Room for the rehearsal of the Technology Connection, the part of SAS Global Forum where SAS shows off its wares: what's been released recently and what's coming. I believe that customers are going to love what they see. And just about every product that

In my article on computing confidence intervals for rankings, I had to generate p random vectors that each contained N random numbers. Each vector was generated from normal distribution with different parameters. This post compares two different ways to generate p vectors that are sampled from independent normal distributions. Sampling
While talking to fellow SAS users at SAS Global Forum 2011 this week, I'll be discussing how SAS programmers can "play" with social media data that they can access on Facebook and Twitter. I always refer people to my blog for more information, and so I've prepared this blog post