
Elliot Inman 0
Data visualization before and after

A colleague and I were looking for a good example of how analysts used to use graphics to report data, a data visualization before and after, so to speak. We needed a good "before" screenshot for a “before and after” comparison for our SAS Global Forum 2015 paper, Visualizing Clinical Trial Data.

Rick Wicklin 0
Create a cascade chart in SAS

Sometimes different communities use the same name for different objects. To a soldier, "boots" are rugged, heavy, high-top foot coverings. To a soccer (football) player, "boots" are lightweight cleats. So it is with the term "waterfall plot." To researchers in the medical field, a "waterfall plot" is a sorted bar

Leo Sadovy 0
Ye Olde information overload

“There’s no such thing as information overload - there is only filter failure”.  ~ Internet scholar Clay Shirky Information overload is not just a recent phenomenon, it entered into human experience in the middle of the 15th century with Gutenberg and his printing press, and we’ve been devising ways to cope

Rick Wicklin 0
Create a waterfall plot in SAS

In clinical trials, a waterfall plot is often used to indicate how patients in the study responded to treatment. In oncology trials, the response variable might be the percent change in the size of a tumor from the individual's baseline value at the start of the trial. The percent change

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Micro Maps

MicroMaps are a powerful way to display data where the display includes small, lightweight maps to provide geographical information regarding the data.  This geographical information gives clues to the relationship between the data that could lead to more insight. The SAS SG Procedures and GTL do not currently have built-in

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