As you read this, someone you know may be in the hospital for an acute illness. Treatments for life-threatening illnesses are often based on a combination of existing protocols and staff experience. And that’s great when hospitals are running smoothly and are adequately staffed. But too often these days, hospitals
Health Care
The global population is aging faster than ever. The United Nations estimates there are nearly one billion people over the age of 60. That number is expected to more than double by 2050. With this growth comes a rise in chronic illnesses that are, unfortunately, part of the aging process.
Data has emerged as a crucial weapon in the battle against the overdose epidemic in the United States. Government agencies nationwide are grappling with social issues such as gun violence, gang activity, burglaries and homelessness to go along with the enduring overdose crisis. Addressing these issues requires using data to
La inteligencia artificial y la analítica de datos han tenido un impacto trascendental en el sector de la salud. Gracias a sus numerosos usos en esta industria, los beneficios ya se han extendido desde el área asistencial hasta el campo de la investigación. Recientemente, tuvimos el privilegio de ser anfitriones
Health care and life science organizations have always prioritized saving lives and now extend that commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. They are not merely checking boxes, but genuinely pursuing long term impact for individuals, future generations and the planet. However, they must now elevate their ESG efforts to
Did you know that over 300 people die daily from drug overdoses in the US? As a pharmacist, I have witnessed the harrowing effects of substance use disorder (SUD) and the resulting opioid crisis on individuals, families and communities. The complexity of addiction Who among us does not know someone
This year six teams from Benelux joined the global competition. These teams took on exciting challenges: from unlocking privacy-sensitive healthcare data with synthetic data to optimizing cheese production and much more! With access to the latest SAS software and SAS mentors, they were building innovative solutions to real-world problems. Two
As in most other sectors, health care is changing at lightning speed. Access to data makes it possible to speed up clinical trials, develop more personalized medication, make quicker and better diagnoses, improve the quality of patient care and save lives. The pandemic has sped up digital transformation in every
For hospitals, managing inventory is an ongoing logistical challenge. The right equipment in the right spot is essential for safe and efficient hospital operations. That's why hospitals around the world turn to Blyott. Blyott is a plug-and-play machine learning and modular real-time-location-services (RTLS) provider. Their technology tracks the location of
Dake IT uses augmented intelligence to build models for disease identification to help radiologists analyze scanned images. Medical imaging, such as x-rays and ultrasounds, is widely used across the medical community. From dentists and surgeons to oncologists, physicians everywhere rely on imaging to aid in diagnosing diseases, monitoring the spreading
Using machine learning to correlate factors and characteristics that appear gradually during childhood in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in support to identify others at risk. How prevalent is ASD? Well, it depends on who you ask, but it’s generally accepted that 1-2.3% of children have been diagnosed. And
What are the hallmarks of leadership? I have often asked myself this throughout my career journey as a technology leader. I place a high value on empathy, collaboration, passion and curiosity. In the health care industry that we all rely on, transformational leadership is a must. Few things about our
What barriers do some communities face in getting the facts about cancer and the treatment they deserve? The CEO Roundtable on Cancer opened up about them at a November conference at SAS. For 21 years, the CEO Roundtable on Cancer has been gathering to discuss advancements in cancer. Their 40-member organization, along with
Childbirth should be a safe and joyous occasion as parents welcome a new member into their family. Still, too often, that joy is overshadowed by maternal complications, including maternal and infant death. Each year in the United States, as many as 60,000 women experience severe, unexpected health problems related to
September honors Recovery Month, emphasizing hope for recovery in behavioral health, especially from substance use disorders (SUD). A key motto of Recovery Month is that Recovery Happens, helping people know that even at rock bottom, things can improve. We all need that hope at various points in our lives. Often,
When patients miss appointments, it costs providers money and has serious health impacts on patients. Analytics can help improve scheduling processes for more effective use of resources and to ensure patients receive the care they need. In isolation, it doesn’t seem that missing a doctor’s appointment is that big of
Antonie Berkel, Technical Account Manager at SAS, is nominated for the Dutch Computable Awards in the IT Talent of the Year category. He is responsible for accounts in the Public & Healthcare sector in Benelux. He is one of the driving forces behind developing the Healthcare Startup Service that helps
The Young Health Leader Summit is a one-of-a-kind event for health care heroes to come together and tackle some of the biggest challenges in the industry. The event also hosts a unique competition where the young health leaders are tasked with "doing the most good" in 24 hours. The 2022
To help burgeoning data researchers apply data analysis skills across policy sectors in economic, health and social science-informed areas of study, they need both policy and data industry experts to help them develop these critical skills before they graduate. The National Policy Challenge was developed with this goal in mind.
Queuing up to wait for services is a nearly universal experience. We routinely arrange ourselves in single file lines at the bank, at retail stores, and at the fast-food drive-through. Since the COVID pandemic hit, we've increasingly waited in lines to ensure our health – lining up to be seen
Robert Handfield, PhD, is a distinguished professor of Supply Chain Management at North Carolina State University and Director of the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative. In an episode of the Health Pulse Podcast, Handfield gave his views regarding the challenges health care and life science companies have encountered over the past two years
AI has, for many years, been the stuff of fantasy. From the monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to the dystopian futures depicted in films such as Metropolis, the Matrix and Minority Report, the idea of intelligent machines has been capturing the imagination of writers for centuries. Our ability to store
Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting things in life. Unfortunately, sometimes pregnancy complications occur, remaining a serious challenge, that is not often talked about. Ahead are interviews with leading researchers in Dublin aimed to understand the impact of data and analytics on maternal health. According to the
The COVID-19 pandemic brought an enormous urgency to the life sciences sector. Companies vied for suitable treatments and in less than a year, COVID-19 vaccines were developed. This demonstrated clearly that the sector could move at speed when necessary. Though vaccines were supported by regulators, inefficiencies in vaccine and drug development were exposed.
A new prototype AI diagnostic test for pre-eclampsia developed by a multi-disciplinary Irish team will hopefully save thousands of lives around the world. Preeclampsia affects 1 in 10 pregnancies and causes the deaths of at least 50,000 mothers and 500,000 babies worldwide every year. It is a serious pregnancy complication
A cancer journey affects both physical and mental health. This often results in feelings of social isolation, loss of identity, clinical depression and even PTSD. This often goes unrecognized and undiagnosed due in part to lack of resources, tools and time. Swedish startup War On Cancer wondered whether they could
Before I started with SAS, I worked at the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health. Among many other projects, our analytics work included integrating data from multiple county departments and risk stratifying citizens in the greatest need of public services. This led to our 1115 Whole Person Care (WPC) waiver
When Los Angeles County invested in Whole Person Care (WPC) it could not have known just how important the system’s flexibility would be. Anyone who has had an interface with health care delivery, policy, oversight and management know things change quickly. As data becomes a priority, expectations of the use
This blog post was written by Dr. Maryam S. Jaffer, Director Data and Statistics, Emirates Health Services; Dr. Bashar Balish, Senior Director, Cerner; and Michel Ghorayeb, UAE Managing Director, SAS. The future of health care has never been more exciting. Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics have captured center stage
Om innovatie op het gebied van data en analytics op een laagdrempelige manier voor ziekenhuizen toegankelijk te maken, bieden SAS en PW Consulting de Healthcare Startup Service aan. Een stapsgewijze aanpak die ziekenhuizen helpt om meer waarde uit hun data en analytics projecten te halen en tevens makkelijk te kunnen