
Leo Sadovy 0
Agility and the Analytic Sandbox

Analytics gives us not just the ability but the imperative to separate our planning activities into two distinct segments – detailed planning that leads to budgets in support of execution, and high-level, analytic-enabled business/scenario planning. My critique of Control Towers in this blog last time led me not only to

Data Management
Sam Munoz 0
Series: BCBS 239 – Principle 3

Principle 3: Accuracy and Integrity – A bank should be able to generate accurate and reliable risk data to meet normal and stress/crisis reporting accuracy requirements. Data should be aggregated on a largely automated basis so as to minimize the probability of errors. It seems logical that banks would want

Rick Wicklin 0
On the determinant of the Hilbert matrix

Last week I described the Hilbert matrix of size n, which is a famous square matrix in numerical linear algebra. It is famous partially because its inverse and its determinant have explicit formulas (that is, we know them exactly), but mainly because the matrix is ill-conditioned for moderate values of

Gastbeitrag 0
CIO Talk: "Business Intelligence im Finanzumfeld"

Autor: Karim Tsouli, CIO und Mitglied des Vorstands bei der CreditPlus Bank AG „Wenn Daten nicht nur aus Gründen der Dokumentation erfasst werden, sondern diese als Basis von Geschäftsentscheidungen dienen, kann Business Intelligence (BI) helfen, eine zuverlässige Analyse bereitzustellen." Karim Tsouli, CIO CreditPlus Bank AG

Data Management
Sam Munoz 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 2

Principle 2: Data architecture and IT infrastructure – A bank should design, build and maintain data architecture and IT infrastructure which fully supports its risk data aggregation capabilities and risk reporting practices not only in normal times but also during times of stress or crisis, while still meeting the other

Mike Gilliland 0
Q&A with Steve Morlidge of CatchBull (Part 2)

Q: ­Do you think the forecaster should distribute forecast accuracy to stakeholders (e.g. to show how good/bad the forecast is) or do you think this will confuse stakeholders? A: This just depends what is meant by stakeholders. And what is meant by forecast accuracy. If stakeholders means those people who

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
The BLOCK Plot

When you hear of a Scatter Plot or a Series Plot, you have a picture in your mind what we are talking about.  But one of the plot statements available in GTL, and soon with SGPLOT, is the BLOCK plot.  I am sure this leaves many users scratching their heads, wondering

Mike Gilliland 0
Q&A with Steve Morlidge of CatchBull (Part 1)

In a pair of articles published in Foresight, and in his SAS/Foresight webinar "Avoidability of Forecast Error" last November, Steve Morlidge of CatchBull laid out a compelling new approach on the subject of "forecastability." It is generally agreed that the naive model (i.e. random walk or "no change" model) provides

Rick Wicklin 0
How to format decimals as fractions in SAS

Yesterday I blogged about the Hilbert matrix. The (i,j)th element of the Hilbert matrix has the value 1 / (i+j-1), which is the reciprocal of an integer. However, the printed Hilbert matrix did not look exactly like the formula because the elements print as finite-precision decimals. For example, the last

Jim Harris 0
Lean against bias for accurate analytics

We sometimes describe the potential of big data analytics as letting the data tell its story, casting the data scientist as storyteller. While the journalist has long been a newscaster, in recent years the term data-driven journalism has been adopted to describe the process of using big data analytics to

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
The Hilbert matrix: A vectorized construction

The Hilbert matrix is the most famous ill-conditioned matrix in numerical linear algebra. It is often used in matrix computations to illustrate problems that arise when you compute with ill-conditioned matrices. The Hilbert matrix is symmetric and positive definite, properties that are often associated with "nice" and "tame" matrices. The

Data Management
Brooke Upton 0
Series: BCBS 239 - Principle 1

Principle 1: Governance – A bank’s risk data aggregation capabilities and risk reporting practices should be subject to strong governance arrangements consistent with other principles and guidance established by the Basel Committee. My colleagues and I have written a series of posts on the principles of BCBS 239. In this

Rick Wicklin 0
Vector and matrix norms in SAS

Did you know that SAS/IML 12.1 provides built-in functions that compute the norm of a vector or matrix? A vector norm enables you to compute the length of a vector or the distance between two vectors in SAS. Matrix norms are used in numerical linear algebra to estimate the condition

Chris Hemedinger 0
Confessions of a SAS Dummy

SAS Global Forum 2014 was a ton of fun, and extremely busy for yours truly. If you wonder how I spent my time at the conference, you need only to visit the on-demand video archive and see how many of the various sessions feature my shiny head. In most of

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